Today's Liberal News

When America Couldn’t Bring Back Our Girls

In 2014, three months after Boko Haram militants kidnapped 276 girls from a school in the northeastern Nigerian town of Chibok, a photo landed on a bank of monitors in the CIA’s Abuja station, a group of sealed drop-ceiling rooms concealed behind the blast-proof walls of the United States embassy.The picture was the spy agency’s best clue in months as to the location of the Chibok girls.

News Roundup: Florida floodgaetz open; GOP war on LGBTQ kids, immigrant kids, yoga kids?

A lot of news comes down the pipe during a Friday, even in a post-incompetent administration. Much of this news is positive as our competent administration works to help hundreds of millions of Americans adversely affected by the previous administration. Some of this news is negative as the Republican Party’s lack of popular policy ideas means their entire identity is based on the belief that we should not be a democracy.

Citing fear of Hindu indoctrination, Alabama GOP block efforts to lift 28-year-old yoga ban

Did you know that for 28 years, Alabama has had a ban on teaching yoga in the Yellowhammer State? Well, it’s true. Since 1993, the Alabama board of education has blocked yoga, hypnosis, and meditation from public schools. According to Newsweek, the state’s guidelines explain it this way: “The State Board of Education specifically prohibits the use of hypnosis and dissociative mental states.

Officers pepper-sprayed ICE detainees who peacefully protested lack of PPE, DHS watchdog says

In the earliest weeks of the novel coronavirus pandemic last year, people jailed at a private immigration prison in Arizona held a peaceful protest over the lack of sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) provided to detainees. The facility responded to their pleas by violently deploying chemical agents at them, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General said in a new report released Thursday.

The Threat That COVID-19 Poses Now

After more than a year of pandemic, after months of an aggressive vaccination campaign, the United States should finally be better positioned to protect itself against the coronavirus. Nearly all of our long-term-care residents are vaccinated. Tens of millions of other people have been vaccinated, and tens of millions more have some level of immunity from previous infection.

Florida Man

Florida man, Florida man,
great head of hair, studio tan,
if I were hitching in the Everglades
and you pulled up, I’d be afraid.I wouldn’t climb into your minivan,
your swampmobile, O Florida man.
I’d wait for a ride with an honest trucker.
Anyone but you, you sleazy fucker.