My Husband Gave Me Permission to Pursue My Secret Fantasy. I Have No Idea Where to Start.
I’m not sure how to navigate this without hurting him.
I’m not sure how to navigate this without hurting him.
Republicans are trying to block the For the People Act, Democrats’ top-priority legislative package.
If you’ve searched St. Vincent on Twitter in the past few weeks, you haven’t seen chatter about the goofy soul sound of the 38-year-old rock star’s latest singles. You’ve seen snarky tweets about an interview that is mainly of interest to die-hard fans and people addicted to Twitter drama.In late April, the journalist Emma Madden posted—and then deleted—a Q&A with St. Vincent that the artist’s press team had allegedly tried to stop from being published.
The incredibly wrong answers New York City’s mayoral candidates gave to a question about real estate.
The QAnon-endorsing Georgia Republican took her conspiratorial musings over Dr. Anthony Fauci to a new low.
When the third coronavirus surge hit the U.S. last fall, the midwestern states were among the worst affected. Thousands of people in the region were being hospitalized with the virus every day. It was at this inauspicious time that a team of transplant doctors at University Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan, received a pair of healthy-seeming lungs. According to a published case report, the donor had been in an automobile accident, and died from her injuries a few days later.
This week marks the 36th anniversary of the day the city of Philadelphia bombed its own citizens. On May 13, 1985, police surrounded the home of MOVE, a radical Black liberation organization that was defying orders to vacate. Police flooded the home with water, filled the house with tear gas, and blasted the house with automatic weapons, all failing to dislodge the residents. Finally, police dropped a bomb on the house from a helicopter, killing 11 people, including five children.
Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have killed at least 26 Palestinians, including nine children, as tension in the region has escalated sharply. Hundreds were also injured by Israeli forces Monday when they stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam. Hamas responded by firing hundreds of rockets into Israel, which reportedly caused dozens of injuries but no deaths.
Historians have always assumed that the medieval city of Angkor, today located in Cambodia, was huge, simply based on how much land its kings commanded. From the ninth to the 15th centuries, Angkor was the capital of the Khmer empire, which at its zenith stretched across modern Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
For a few weeks this spring, the United States was a world leader in vaccines, administering shots to a larger share of its population than even the United Kingdom or Israel. But since the middle of April, our vaccine campaign has stalled. The average number of people getting a first or single dose is down almost 50 percent from its peak on April 13.
The New York Republican said she was “honored.” Critics said she should be anything but.
We met on Reddit last year at the start of the pandemic.
Parenting advice on cleanliness, racism, and sexual orientation.
The South Carolina Republican once warned the GOP “will get destroyed” by Trump.
“If he wants me to remind his bosses at Disney of all the crap that he’s done over the years … I’ll be glad to pick that fight,” said the Fox News personality.
Introducing Pay Dirt, Slate’s new money advice column.
Republican politicians have already made up their minds about what to do. They—and everyone else—should chill.
Not only is it callous, it doesn’t even make sense.
Jeff Zients said the pause proved the federal government was monitoring the situation closely.
“I believe that we will be about as close to back to normal as we can,” the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said, with a caveat.
Doctors could be especially helpful vaccinating hesitant Americans, but health officials are still figuring out how to get them involved.
She agreed she’d be horrified if I did this to her.
Neel Kashkari of the Minneapolis Fed says things should get better as people overcome fears related to the pandemic.
“There were elements of growth in the balance from what I can see and understand,” Carney said in a long response that didn’t directly answer the question.
Chrystia Freeland uses Budget 2021 to reveal Canada’s new emissions target.
Nearly 80 years ago, Richard Wright became one of the most famous Black writers in the United States with the publication of “Native Son,” a novel whose searing critique of systemic racism made it a best-seller and inspired a generation of Black writers.
In the news today: House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy sets Wednesday vote to remove Rep. Liz Cheney from leadership due to Cheney’s “relitigating” of whether or not Republicans should continue to promote election hoaxes claiming the last presidential election to have been “stolen.” Not considered “relitigating” the election: the ongoing Arizona Republican election “audit” examining ballots for Asian “bamboo fibers.
At Popular Information, Judd Legum obtained a copy of a webinar hosted by NABPAC (the trade association for corporate PACs) in which a Republican consultant described listening to member companies’ strategies for restarting cash donations to the Republicans, who voted on Jan. 6 to nullify state electoral votes recognizing Joe Biden as winner of the U.S. presidential election.
Last week it was revealed that Colonial Pipeline had been struck by a massive ransomware attack. Ransomware has one goal: to shut down the end user and demand money, often in the form of bitcoin, to pay for decryption codes. As cryptocurrency values rise and the ease of access to encryption tools grows on the dark web, ransomware has become a blight on American infrastructure.