How Trump is undermining his own vaccine race
Operation Warp Speed is the administration’s best attempt at fighting coronavirus, experts say, but White House meddling has caused public confidence to plummet.
Operation Warp Speed is the administration’s best attempt at fighting coronavirus, experts say, but White House meddling has caused public confidence to plummet.
Trump has raised various ideas in recent months, though his proposals remain much vaguer than during his 2016 presidential campaign.
If presidential elections really turn on how the country is doing, there’s a good reason for the incumbent to sweat.
“This does have the potential to incite … the metastasizing of social unrest,” said one market strategist.
Critics have argued the Trudeau government lacked preparedness or a sense of urgency before the country was hit by the pandemic’s crises.
The central bank shed more light on its pledge not to raise interest rates until prices begin to rise more rapidly.
The president couldn’t stop interrupting, earning a scolding from the moderator, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace.
President Donald Trump arrived at the first debate with a theory and a plan. The theory was that American voters crave dominance, no matter how belligerent or offensive. The plan was to hector, interrupt, and insult in hopes of establishing that dominance.His theory was wrong, and his plan was counterproductive.
Urban centers are Democratic. Rural areas are Republican. The battleground? Suburbs, where two years ago, white college-educated suburban women turned on Republicans with a fury, giving Democrats 38 of their 41 House pickups.
And why did those women turn on Donald Trump, after voting for him in 2016? Yes, the environment and health care loom large. But in the end, it’s the fact that Trump is a bully, and his party is totally okay with it.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump headed to Cleveland on Tuesday, descending upon Case Western Reserve University for the first of three scheduled presidential debates. Moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who has vowed not to fact-check either candidate, the socially-distanced event featured a far smaller audience than usual.
Well, that was an unholy mess. Donald Trump came in planning to do nothing but try to drag Joe Biden down to his level and turn everyone watching off of voting at all, and he worked harder at it than he’s probably worked at anything in the last four years.
Moderator Chris Wallace fought to get Trump under control, but couldn’t succeed for more than about two minutes at a time in the face of Trump’s relentless barrage of lies, insults, and petulance.
By now you might have heard that tonight’s debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was … rough to watch. Biden found himself calling Trump a clown at points and even wondered if Trump would “just shut up.” And none of those things would be considered gaffs or impolite by anyone who watched Trump’s hyped-up behavior.
Pity the poor closed-caption writers. Pity the poor ASL interpreters. But most of all, pity poor us, the American electorate.Tonight was the first presidential debate of the 2020 election, and if there is any sense or mercy left in this nation, it will be the last too. The event was a shambolic shout fest, with scarcely a single morsel of substance to be found.
President Donald Trump’s grand plan to demolish Joe Biden at tonight’s first presidential debate was shockingly simple: He merely wouldn’t let the former vice president complete a sentence.Trump talked over his Democratic challenger—and the frustrated moderator, Chris Wallace—from the opening moments of the debate, bullying Biden with a barrage of personal attacks (“There’s nothing smart about you, Joe”) and outright lies.
The president insisted, without evidence, that violence is a left-wing problem.
The 90-minute spectacle tonight calls into question the value of having any “debates” of this sort ever again. No one knows more about public life than he or she did before this disaster began; some people know less; and everyone feels and looks worse.Start with the supposed moderator, Chris Wallace. It became obvious five minutes in that Donald Trump’s strategy was to interrupt, yell, insult, and disrupt as often as he could.
Donald Trump talking about the climate crisis given his destruction of regulations, proposals, and programs designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus reduce the impacts of global warming, is like listening to Kim Jong-Un talking about democracy.
In debate, Trump says California wildfires are a product of the failure of the state to clean out the underbrush. And claims this doesn’t happen in Europe.
The former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate reacts to the debate “line of the night.
“This is so unpresidential,” the Democratic nominee said after the president repeatedly tried to speak over him and Fox News’ Chris Wallace.
The former vice president went full “dad joke” just before the first presidential debate with Donald Trump.
This evening we’ll see Donald Trump and Joe Biden on the same stage, in the first of what are scheduled to be three debates.I will confess that I did not think this event would occur—and I am still not sure about the subsequent ones.
The wealthy no longer fear the taxman. Democrats finally have an opening to fix that.
There’s more than one way to ask why. Look to Russian for an explanation.
Ahead of the first of three presidential debates between President Trump and Joe Biden, we speak with David Cay Johnston, founder and editor-in-chief of, who says the bombshell New York Times report on Trump’s taxes highlights the existence of “two income tax systems, separate and unequal.” The Times reports that Trump paid no federal income tax in 10 of the past 15 years and just $750 in 2016 and 2017.
In a historic victory for unhoused people, Philadelphia city officials agreed to hand over 50 vacant homes to a community land trust, following months of organizing and protest encampments. We hear from one of the organizers and speak to Philadelphia-based Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, who has written extensively about housing insecurity and says the direct actions there are applicable across the U.S.
Historian Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor says the Breonna Taylor case is contributing to an “unfolding dynamic of radicalization” in the United States as people see repeated cases of police misconduct go unpunished. A grand jury recently declined to charge any of the officers involved in the 26-year-old EMT’s killing for her death.
As President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden face off in the first presidential debate in Cleveland, we speak to author and academic Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, who says the multiple crises facing the United States are not getting enough attention leading up to the November election.
What a prolific hit man can teach us about our obsession with true crime.