Today's Liberal News

Ash Wednesday’s universal message: Honor sacrifices made for our future

In the past …

Ash Wednesday 2001 was also in February, just a few months after a close election decided by Bush v. Gore in December of 2000. I was a Catholic graduate theology student at a Methodist institution, in a suburb of Atlanta, filling my car up with gas. The station was literally across the tracks in a poorer part of town where the cheaper gas fit my budget. I had just come from a church that was hard enough to locate in the days before GPS.

Trump’s Atlantic City hotel implosion gets higher ratings than Trump

New Jersey residents and others gathered early Wednesday morning on rooftops, at nearby venues, and in garage parking lots to watch the end of the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, marking the end of Donald Trump’s imprint on the city. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, some even watched from One Atlantic, a wedding venue on top of a pier.

Texas mayor is exactly the hero Republicans are looking for in a life-threatening crisis

When it came time to write a platform for the 2020 election, Republicans either could not be bothered, or could not think of anything beyond “whatever Trump says now.” In any case, they took the extraordinary move of simply discarding their platform and moving forward with no declared plan at all.  Which at least means they can’t be accused of breaking promises, since they didn’t make any.

Winners of the 2020 Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest

The judging for the ninth annual Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest, organized by the Underwater Photography Guide, has wrapped up, and the winning images and photographers have been announced. Gaetano Dario Gargiulo took Best in Show with his image of an octopus in a tide pool. The organizers of the contest have once again shared with us some of the winners and honorable mentions, shown below, from the 12 categories of underwater photography.

I’m Freezing Cold and Burning Mad in Texas

The great winter storm of 2021 has terrorized Texans, overwhelmed our energy grid, and made a mockery of our politicians and our much-vaunted independence.Here in Dallas, my family and I have intermittently been without power for three days. On Monday night, the coldest night on record in three decades, we were without power for 12 long hours.

Why Did We Ever Send Sick Kids to School?

Staying home to avoid catching and spreading the coronavirus during the pandemic, for all the fear and anxiety it has caused, has come with one unexpected benefit for my family: My kids haven’t been sick once, not even with the common cold. My husband and I noticed this with a sense of relief after months of virtual schooling.

It’s All Rigged

As of January 10, nine brokerages had set the one-year target stock price for GameStop at about $10.But that’s not where it would stay—at least for a while. It climbed in price because a subreddit, r/WallStreetBets, engineered a short squeeze.That kicked off a wild ride, revealing many things not just about how digital technologies are transforming our world, but also about how they are not.

“Work Won’t Love You Back”: Sarah Jaffe on Toxic U.S. Work Culture & the Fight Against Inequality

Amid the economic crisis and precarious working conditions for millions of people during the pandemic, we look at a new book by Sarah Jaffe, an independent journalist and author who covers labor and economic justice. “Work Won’t Love You Back: How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone” looks at the unsustainable expectations of fulfillment around work and how the “labor of love” myth has contributed to the rise of toxic workplaces.

Teacher Unions: We Want to Reopen Schools as Well, But We Need Vaccines & Resources to Do It Safely

As school districts across the U.S. debate how to safely bring children into the classroom, we speak with two leaders of the teachers’ union movement on what’s at stake as schools reopen. Stacy Davis Gates, executive vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union, says years of underfunding and privatization have left many school districts ill-equipped to meet the needs of students, as well as educators. “It’s not just the context of opening schools.

COVID-19 Cases Are Dropping Fast. Why?

Editor’s Note: The Atlantic is making vital coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find the collection here. One month ago, the CDC published the results of more than 20 pandemic forecasting models. Most projected that COVID-19 cases would continue to grow through February, or at least plateau. Instead, COVID-19 is in retreat in America. New daily cases have plunged, and hospitalizations are down almost 50 percent in the past month.