Today's Liberal News

With COVID Vaccines on the Horizon, U.S. Urged to Help Ensure Equitable Distribution Across Globe

As the U.S. COVID-19 death toll nears 250,000, drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna have both announced promising vaccine trial results showing over 90% effectiveness in preventing illness. But officials and health experts warn widespread distribution of a vaccine for the coronavirus — which has killed 1.2 million people across the globe — will be tremendously difficult to store and distribute. Vaccine researcher Dr.

Voting Activist Desmond Meade on Re-enfranchising People & Why “Ex-Felon” Is a Dehumanizing Label

In Florida, tens of thousands of newly eligible voters who were previously disenfranchised due to their criminal records turned out to the polls for the 2020 election. Amendment 4, a measure that in 2018 overturned a Jim Crow-era law aimed at keeping African Americans from voting, restored voting rights to people with nonviolent felonies who have completed their sentences and was hailed as the biggest win for voting rights in decades.

Monday Night Owls: Excerpts from the December edition of Harper’s Index

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week

Excerpts from the December edition of Harper’s Index:

Hypothetical median income of full-time U.S. workers if income were distributed as evenly as it was in 1975: $92,000
Actual [2020] median income of full-time U.S. workers: $50,000
Percentage change since last year in the number of U.S.

Right-wing fraudsters attorney says they want Alan Dershowitz to testify at robocall trial

American scumbags Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have been charged with at least four felony counts connected to voter-suppressing, misinforming robocalls in Michigan that targeted “urban” areas in the weeks preceding this election. No, this isn’t connected to the time Wohl and Burkman attempted to trump up fake sexual assault charges against Dr. Anthony Fauci. No, this isn’t the time Wohl and Burkman attempted to create fake sexual intrigue allegations against Sen.

Twitter users push back on suggestion canceling student debt would ‘anger’ those who paid off loans

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer seems to have suggested in a recent interview that President-elect Joe Biden bypass Congress and push up to $50,000 of student loan relief per person through via executive order in the first 100 days of his presidency. It’s not necessarily a new idea. Schumer and Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced a resolution in September that would accomplish the same goal, and President Donald Trump has certainly been no stranger to executive orders.

Trump admin is rushing to build more border fencing before Biden is inaugurated

Impeached president Donald Trump lost the election (it feels great to write that), but his stupid and racist border fencing construction continues (it doesn’t feel great to write that). In fact, NPR reports that not only is construction continuing, the administration is rushing to build as much as possible before Joe Biden is sworn in on January 20. The president-elect has vowed to end construction.

Cancel Thanksgiving

Editor’s Note: The Atlantic is making vital coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find the collection here. The United States is now in what disaster-preparedness experts once modeled as a worst-case scenario. We are flooded with a highly transmissible virus that causes unpredictable symptoms: sometimes mild, sometimes fatal. The curve is not flat, or even a curve. It’s almost a line that points straight upward.