Today's Liberal News

This Week in Statehouse Action: Gotta Get Down On Pi Day edition

While everyone’s “commemorating” the one-year anniversary of the end of Normal Life and the beginning of the Pandemic Era, I’d rather focus on a different kind of fake observance.

March 14 is right around the corner, and as I’m sure you’re aware, 3/14 is otherwise known as Pi Day.

(If you need me to explain this to you, I’m just not, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

This Week in Statehouse Action: Gotta Get Down On Pi Day edition

While everyone’s “commemorating” the one-year anniversary of the end of Normal Life and the beginning of the Pandemic Era, I’d rather focus on a different kind of fake observance.

March 14 is right around the corner, and as I’m sure you’re aware, 3/14 is otherwise known as Pi Day.

(If you need me to explain this to you, I’m just not, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

‘Can you take that gun off of him, he’s 8 years old’: video captures heartbreaking traffic stop

Social media continues to shed light on issues of police brutality. In the last year, multiple videos taken by bystanders have spread on social media platforms depicting incidents in which police officials have abused their power. As a result, investigations into the actions of various police departments have been conducted. In the most recent case of a bystander capturing police brutality, a video went viral on social media for depicting an officer aiming his firearm at a child.

‘Can you take that gun off of him, he’s 8 years old’: video captures heartbreaking traffic stop

Social media continues to shed light on issues of police brutality. In the last year, multiple videos taken by bystanders have spread on social media platforms depicting incidents in which police officials have abused their power. As a result, investigations into the actions of various police departments have been conducted. In the most recent case of a bystander capturing police brutality, a video went viral on social media for depicting an officer aiming his firearm at a child.

There Is No One Pandemic Anniversary

It can begin almost imperceptibly, with the turning of the leaves or the first heat of summer, an ambient anxiety with no clear cause. Other times the feeling comes on suddenly, when a news story about the disaster’s anniversary stirs memories of trauma. Some people have nightmares or flashbacks. After 9/11, PTSD rates crested at the one-year mark. Psychologists call this phenomenon the “anniversary reaction.

The Left’s Answer to Trump Is 6 Foot 8 and Wears Shorts in February

Updated at 2:30 p.m. ET on March 11, 2020.BRADDOCK, Pa.—John Fetterman didn’t grow up with anyone who had a biker-bar bouncer’s chin beard or who wore work shirts and shorts in February. He didn’t grow up committed to LGBTQ rights and legalizing marijuana and a living wage. The Pennsylvania lieutenant governor and Democratic candidate for the U.S.

The Pandemic Is Ending

The deadliest virus in history was variola. For thousands of years, it stalked humanity, causing smallpox, a horrific fate. An infected person’s skin would suddenly erupt in blisters, papules, and vesicles. These would sometimes cover the eyes, and could grow together until the skin fell off, or fill with blood, or turn gray as the person bled internally. In the 20th century alone, the disease killed some 300 million people. Many survivors were scarred or blinded.

Restoring Pell Grants—And Possibilities—for Prisoners

During the winter months, the small classroom smelled of wood and heat. Three rows of desks faced the door, and before class began I would rearrange some of them into a circle. Different shades of forest green hugged the walls, the remnants of years of paint jobs done with varying levels of proficiency and care. On bright mornings, the sun sliced through two large windows and bathed the classroom in the day’s new light.