Today's Liberal News

The Risk of John Kerry Following His Own China Policy

Competition with China will likely be the most difficult foreign-policy issue that President-elect Joe Biden will face. What he decides to lead with and the precise mix of areas in which he engages and confronts Beijing are critically important. This is why Biden’s choice of John Kerry as a special presidential envoy on climate change might create a problem for the incoming president on China policy.

Monday Night Owls: San Antonio’s energy utility vows climate action, but is still plugged into gas

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week


Dana Drugmand at DeSmog writes—San Antonio’s City-Owned Energy Utility Is Paying a Quarter Million Dollars a Year to Gas Industry Groups:

Deep in the heart of Texas, by far the nation’s top oil producer, the city of San Antonio is starting to grapple with its reliance on fossil fuels.

Easy, thoughtful, low-cost gifts to give during a literal global pandemic

As we lean into the holiday season, we continue to face the novel coronavirus pandemic as a nation. Because the Trump administration consistently fumbled the pandemic response, not only are people staring down a potentially deadly virus, but high unemployment rates, housing and food insecurity, and isolation from friends, family, and coworkers.

What (and when) you can expect from COVID-19 stimulus checks

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says stimulus checks will go out as soon as next week, faster than the single round that was provided in spring following the CARES Act. “People are going to see this money the beginning of next week,” he said on CNBC Monday. “Much needed relief—and just in time for the holidays.” Except for the part that it’s after Christmas and barely relief.

The Atlantic Daily: The Danger in Trump’s Efforts

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.DOMINICK REUTER / GETTYWith the pandemic at a deadly peak, Americans learned that the president, still set on overturning the 2020 election results, went so far as to discuss martial law. His refusal to accept the outcome will leave a dangerous legacy.

California Has Lost Control

Editor’s Note: The Atlantic is making vital coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find the collection here. California is on the verge of breaking a pandemic record from the darkest days of the spring: With 17,750 COVID-19 patients hospitalized yesterday, the state is closing in on New York’s single-day high of 18,825, set on April 13.