Today's Liberal News

Immigrant Advocate: Unaccompanied Minors Are Not a “Border Crisis” But a Humanitarian Crisis

Thousands of migrant children seeking refuge are being held in crowded cells amid an increase in asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Despite claims by Republican lawmakers during a tour of the southern border aimed at warning against rollbacks of Trump’s immigration policy, most adults at the border are still being turned away, while the Biden administration is allowing unaccompanied children to cross while their cases are processed.

Vijay Prashad Warns Biden Is “Doubling Down” on Trump’s Anti-China Cold War Policy

Beijing has accused the U.S. of perpetuating a Cold War mentality as President Joe Biden and senior administration officials shore up alliances in the Pacific region to counter China’s growing influence and increasingly describe the country as a geopolitical threat. Vijay Prashad, director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, says the “bellicose” tone out of Washington is not because the U.S. sees China as a military threat, but because China threatens U.S.

What Conspiracy Theorists Don’t Believe

Some people believe the most extraordinary things. Earth is flat, and airplane GPS is rigged to fool pilots into thinking otherwise. COVID-19 vaccines are a pretext to inject thought-controlling microchips into us all. The true president of the United States is Donald Trump; his inauguration will happen on January 20, make that March 4, make that a date to be arranged very soon.The question “How could anybody believe this stuff?” comes naturally enough.

Meghan Markle Racism Revelations Are “Shocking, But Not Surprising” to People of Color in U.K.

The British royal family is facing intense criticism over its treatment of Meghan Markle, who revealed shocking details about life as a royal in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, including mistreatment and bullying from other royals, relentless harassment by the British press, and racist comments about Markle, who was born in the United States to a Black mother and a white father. One member of the royal family, according to Markle, even speculated how dark her child’s skin would be.

“Hell on Earth”: Yemeni Children Starve to Death as U.S.-Backed Saudi Blockade Devastates Nation

The World Food Programme is warning Yemen is headed toward the biggest famine in modern history, with the U.N. agency projecting around 400,000 Yemeni children under the age of 5 could die from acute malnutrition this year as the Saudi war and blockade continues. CNN senior international correspondent Nima Elbagir says Yemen is accurately described as “hell on Earth.

News Roundup: Haaland confirmed, Ron Johnson blunders again, and filibuster fights loom large

The Senate today confirmed, finally, Biden nominee Deb Haaland as the new Secretary of the Interior. Haaland becomes the first Native American to hold any Cabinet-level post in any administration. Sen. Ron Johnson continued to buffoonipate himself with further thoughts on why the racist things he says are not racist. And the Senate continues to plod towards a showdown that pits civil rights and urgent national needs against filibuster-based sabotage.

Conservative media calls on Gen X to save us from ‘cancel culture’ and Gen X responds, cancel that

With the Republican Party’s only identity at this point being white identity politics, and white people having all of the rights afforded them in the Constitution, they find themselves at a loss. Unable to muster up the vroom needed even to vote for the overwhelmingly popular American Rescue Plan, the conservative world has launched back into their tried and true culture war rhetoric.

‘He gonna be sore’: Louisiana troopers brag about ‘whoopin’ inflicted on Black man for running

A Louisiana State Patrol trooper, reportedly caught bragging in text messages about beating a suspect, was arrested with two other troopers on excessive force allegations. Troopers Dakota DeMoss, Randall Dickerson, and George Harper were arrested on February 8 on criminal charges associated with not only excessive force but allegedly trying to hide their actions, the media site Sound Off Louisiana reported.

An Asian American restaurant owner called Greg Abbott ‘selfish,’ his restaurant was vandalized

Despite the increasing awareness, hate crimes directed against Asian Americans have continued to rise amid the pandemic. Asian Americans have not only been physically assaulted and verbally abused, but businesses they own have been vandalized and destroyed by racist ill-informed individuals who blame them for the virus.

In a recent incident, a Texas ramen restaurant was covered in xenophobic graffiti after the owner spoke out against Texas Gov.

Watch out for Republicans trying to claim credit for American Rescue Plan’s state and local aid

State and local governments hemorrhaged jobs in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, and the damage remains: Employment in that area remained at 1.4 million jobs, or 7%, lower in February 2021 than it was in February 2020. Three states—New Hampshire, Nevada, and Maine—have seen state and local government jobs drop by 10% or more. In a majority of states, it’s 5% or more.