Today's Liberal News

News Roundup: Republican attacks on democracy cannot go unanswered

In the news today: Texas Democrats were able to stall a racist bill again targeting voting rights in the state, but without federal action such victories will be short lived. After Senate Republicans refused, as “favor” to Sen. Mitch McConnell, to allow a special prove of the January 6 insurrection, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi intends to push a probe forward by other means.

No Republican is going to save the Republican party from itself

The media has focused a lot of attention on those few Republicans—Liz Cheney, for example—who have spoken out publicly as the GOP transformed itself before our eyes into an authoritarian Trump cult, committed to overturning fair elections while disenfranchising as many Americans as possible in the process.

Wall Street’s ‘Monumental’ Skirmish With Exxon

Every week, our lead climate reporter brings you the big ideas, expert analysis, and vital guidance that will help you flourish on a changing planet. Sign up to get The Weekly Planet, our guide to living through climate change, in your inbox.Here’s a question that has recently become surprisingly important in the battle against climate change: What is a company?There’s a legal answer, of course.

Illinois anti-discrimination bill inspired by 4-year-old Black student heads to governor’s desk

Systemic and structural racism are, unfortunately, and disturbingly, long integrated into life in the United States. In recent years, mainstream media and elected officials have spoken openly about police violence against people of color—and specifically, Black Americans—as well as the intersection of race with a number of issues, like wage equality, job opportunities, and unhoused populations.

Elephants Can Suction Up Their Food

The trunk of an African elephant is an evolutionary marvel. Clocking in at weights well over 200 pounds, it ripples with thousands of individual muscles that help the superlong schnoz lift barbells, uproot trees, and fling bothersome lions into the air.
A tortilla chip is an embarrassment of engineering.

The Frightening New Republican Consensus

Former President Donald Trump has been speaking publicly about running to reclaim the White House in 2024, but he’s also reportedly expecting to make a comeback before then. “Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August,” Maggie Haberman, the New York Times’ ace Trump reporter, tweeted Tuesday.