Today's Liberal News

Mix-and-Match Vaccines: A Shopper’s Guide

In this week’s installment of the booster chronicles, the plot is picking up. An advisory committee to the FDA began a two-day meeting today to formulate recommendations for whether the agency should authorize additional doses of the Johnson & Johnson and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. (The FDA still has to authorize, and the CDC still has to recommend, any new use of boosters before they’ll be readily available.

‘Gen Z’ Only Exists in Your Head

You know there’s drama in research circles—or at least what qualifies as drama in research circles—when someone writes an open letter.Earlier this year, that someone was Philip Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland at College Park. His request: that Pew Research Center, the nonpartisan “fact tank,” “do the right thing” and stop using generational labels such as Gen Z and Baby Boomers in its reports.

The Nation’s John Nichols: Trump’s Coup Nearly Succeeded. He Will Try Again in 2024

As the House committee probing the January 6 attack on the Capitol ramps up its investigation, new details continue to emerge about former President Donald Trump’s efforts to stay in the White House despite losing the 2020 election. The Senate Judiciary Committee recently revealed Trump directly asked the Justice Department nine times for help overturning the election.

Snipers Fatally Attack Protesters in Beirut as Lebanon Reels from Devastating Economic Collapse

At least five people were shot today in Beirut after snipers opened fire on a protest as Lebanon faces a growing economic and political emergency amid widespread corruption. Over the weekend, Lebanon fell into darkness for 24 hours after the nation’s electric grid collapsed. Within the past year, the Lebanese currency has fully collapsed as it continues to grapple with the aftermath of last year’s deadly port explosion.

‘The Men Who Are Killing America’s Newspapers’

Many people assume that local newspapers are dying because they haven’t been able to create a sustainable business model for the digital age, now that Facebook and Google command the advertising space. But that’s only part of the story.

News Roundup: Abbott and McConnell find their limits; world supply chains bend again

In the news today: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tried yet another anti-Biden, anti-pandemic-reality stunt this week, barring employers from requiring vaccinations for their workers. It didn’t work: The state’s largest employers are ignoring him in favor of employee safety (and the federal mandate they are required to comply with). Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has long had near-total control of his caucus, but that status is in jeopardy as the party adopts full-on Trumpism.

Lindsey Graham issues ludicrous alert about Brazilian ‘terrorists’ with ‘Gucci bags’ flooding border

What? Forty thousand Brazilian fashionistas are keen to move to Connecticut, and Republicans want to stop them? Why? That’s the best news I’ve heard in months! Where, exactly, are they crossing? I’d like to meet them. Maybe they can help me get into some of the A-list clubs I’d normally have no chance of setting foot in because I smell like Kirkland jeans and Prell and have a head the size of an Igloo cooler.

Alaska GOP lawmakers demand pharmacists fill ivermectin scripts for COVID-19 ‘no questions asked’

While Alaska leads the country in COVID-19 cases, the state’s Republican lawmakers continue to talk out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, they remain steadfast in their calls to forgo mask and vaccine mandates. On the other, they’re demanding easier access to unproven and unauthorized medicines such as ivermectin to treat the virus they’re downplaying.