Today's Liberal News

News Roundup: Virginia redistricting; Florida undermines education (again)

In the news today: It’s redistricting time, when politicians attempt to sabotage elections by crafting districts meant to ensure the people in power stay that way. As “critical race theory” becomes the new rallying cry for conservative racists who insist America’s actual racism is directed mostly towards them, you’ll note that Black parents aren’t being quoted with the same gusto as livid white ones. How mysterious.

The Old Men of Succession Are Becoming a Problem

This story contains spoilers through the fifth episode of Succession Season 3.Logan was ill. He was the victim of an ailment so common that most people would consider it trivial. But when it gets to Logan it can plunge him into a state of anguish, deep depression, panic, even rage. Logan Roy had a UTI.

Virginia’s education debate moves from GOP victory to book burning in 6 short days

It took just under a week for Virginia to go from a Republican gubernatorial victory supposedly fueled by conservative backlash to school curricula to wild-eyed calls for book burning.

On Monday, the Spotsylvania County School Board ordered school staff to begin removing books that contain “sexually explicit” text from school libraries, and report back on progress in a special session next week.

Daily Kos Elections 2022 primary calendar

Below you’ll find Daily Kos Elections’ calendar of major-party filing deadlines, primaries, and runoffs for the 2022 elections. For a chronological version of this calendar, click here. Beneath the table, you’ll find detailed notes on requirements for runoffs, exceptions to filing deadlines, and important conventions.

On SNL, Taylor Swift Stopped Time

Updated at 4:53 p.m. ET on November 14, 2021.When Taylor Swift was only 22, she laid awake at night and worried about her age. That’s the confession the now-31-year-old singer makes on “Nothing New,” a track she wrote for her 2012 album, Red, but only released on Red (Taylor’s Version), the new, rerecorded version that came out on Friday. In the song, she describes how society tells young women to have fun and then shames them for experiencing life.


All fruits are not created equal.
In September the pear tree produces
an army of hard pellets tasting
of twine, of whining,
tasting of the word but.What animal sprayed
its body’s bitter water
across this bark year after year?
Who knelt here to bury
amulets forbidding flavor?Other pears require company
to produce fruit,
but this tree bargained
with the local devil:
Permit me to self-fertilize
and I shall forevermore
yield the inedible.

The Desperate Scramble to Stop an Insider Election Threat

The people who fear the most for the future of American democracy weren’t watching the election returns in Virginia and New Jersey earlier this month for clues about next year’s midterms. These voting-rights advocates didn’t pay much attention to who won mayoral or school-board races. Instead, they’ve spent the past two weeks trying to discern how many Donald Trump loyalists captured control of elections in a pivotal 2024 swing state: Pennsylvania.

The Day I Got Old

I turn 60 today, and I feel vaguely embarrassed about it, like I’ve somehow let myself go, like I’ve been bingeing on decades and wound up in this unappealing condition.Chances are, most of you haven’t crossed this border station yet, so you’d better listen up. Because if you play your cards right, it’s going to happen to you too.  Here’s what it feels like to turn 60: weird. On the one hand, you’re still going to the gym and to dinner parties.

The Atlantic Daily: Five Easy Ways to Reset Your Thanksgiving Menu

For many people, cooking Thanksgiving dinner means reaching for the tried and true. But even the classics can benefit from a refresh sometimes. (Just ask Taylor Swift.)In other words, you have our permission to rotate in a new dish or update your favorites. Below, Atlantic cooks offer personal tips and inspiration. Just be sure to get your plans in order before the holiday rush on grocery stores.Make your main vegetarian.

East Timor Massacre Remembered: U.S.-Armed Indonesian Troops Killed 270 Timorese 30 Years Ago Today

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Santa Cruz massacre in East Timor, when Indonesian troops armed with U.S. M16s fired on a peaceful memorial procession in the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili, killing more than 270 East Timorese. Indonesia had invaded East Timor in 1975 and maintained a brutal occupation until 1999, when East Timorese voted overwhelmingly for independence in a United Nations referendum.

Walkout: Outraged by New COP26 Pact, Civil Society Holds People’s Plenary & Leaves Climate Summit

As the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow concludes, activists staged a walkout Friday in response to late decisions made by negotiators to severely weaken commitments in the final agreement. While the earlier draft of the unbinding Glasgow Agreement called for “phasing-out of coal and subsidies for fossil fuels,” the new draft calls for the phaseout of “unabated coal power and of inefficient subsidies for fossil fuels.

Climate Crisis = Health Emergency: Air Pollution, Pandemics & Displacement Make the World Sick

Health leaders are warning governments of “unimaginable” health consequences from the climate crisis if world leaders don’t take decisive action to decarbonize. This week at the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow, the Global Climate and Health Alliance presented a letter to the COP26 president signed by 46 million health workers who are calling for global climate action on health.