Today's Liberal News

Tucson Mayor Romero Slams Arizona Gov. Ducey for Downplaying COVID & Hasty Reopening as ICUs Fill

As COVID-19 cases soar in the U.S. South and Southwest, we go to the hot spot of Arizona, where 88% of ICU beds are full and the family of one man accuses Arizona Governor Ducey and President Trump of being directly responsible for his death, after they downplayed the threat of the virus and obstructed local officials from requiring masks even as Arizona’s case numbers were exploding.

Photos of the Week: Noble Deer, Deadman’s Reef, Buffalo Float

Phase 3 re-openings in Europe and North America, locust swarms in India, sunset soccer in Indonesia, a seawater pool in France, in-stream dining in Kuala Lumpur, flooding on the Yangtze river, Sammy the Seal in England, Godzilla in Yokosuka, Bastille Day fireworks in Paris, and much more.

Trump Jr. gets dragged for self-published book that includes glaring error on the cover

There are a few things that equal the mediocrity and base idiocy of Donald Trump. Their names are Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka, and Jared. But, the greasy, sweaty, desperate nature of Donald Trump Jr. has a special patina of existential impotency that is hard to ignore. It’s hard to ignore, in part, because not unlike his father, Junior speaks at a loud blunt volume of dumb about 100% of the time.

Donald Trump Jr.’s newest idea is to self-publish a new book.

‘I can’t breathe’: Public outrage about 2 Black men killed over cigarettes leads to changes in law

New body-camera footage obtained by CNN Wednesday revealed that George Floyd’s final words were the same words uttered by Eric Garner in his last of 11 attempts to get New York City police officers to spare his life. “I can’t breathe,” both Black men said before they died. Both incidents led to protests throughout the nation.

Both men left behind children who are now without fathers.

Retailers and reluctant governors finally issuing mask orders, but diehards gonna diehard

The national “debate” over whether to do the literally smallest possible thing to end the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States—put on a damn mask when in a public place—continues to be virulently stupid and good evidence the United States really is an “exceptional” country in, ahem, at least one unfortunate way. We are extremely fortunate in that masks appear to be reasonably effective in combating this particular virus.

The Atlantic Daily: The COVID-Driven Economic Crisis Isn’t Over

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.SPENCER PLATT / GETTYThis spring, the U.S. effectively paused its economy in order to buy its medical system some time in the fight against the coronavirus. But the country squandered the moment, failing to get the virus under control—and likely lengthening the economic drought.

Listen: Is It Safe to Fly?

On this episode of the podcast Social Distance, the staff writer James Hamblin and the executive producer Katherine Wells discuss the perils of air travel and the best ways to prepare for it.Listen here:Subscribe to Social Distance on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or another podcast platform to receive new episodes as soon as they’re published.What follows is an edited and condensed transcript of their conversation.

The Influenza Masks of 1918

As people worldwide adapt to living with the threat of COVID-19, and especially as the rate of new cases continues to grow in the United States, the wearing of face masks remains widely recommended, and in many places, mandatory. A century ago, an outbreak of influenza spread rapidly across the world, killing more than 50 million—and possibly as many as 100 million—people within 15 months.

Trumpism Is the New McCarthyism

When some presidents leave office, politicians and political thinkers jockey to be their intellectual heirs. Even Ronald Reagan, a Republican, claimed the legacy of John F. Kennedy. Even Barack Obama, a Democrat, claimed the legacy of Reagan.If Donald Trump loses this fall, few will be in a hurry to claim his legacy. Commentators on the left and in the center—and even some on the right—will compete instead to tar their foes with it.

In Attempt to “Intimidate Protesters,” 87 Face Felony Charges for Kentucky Sit-In for Breonna Taylor

In Louisville, Kentucky, civil rights groups are calling on prosecutors to drop felony charges against 87 people who held a peaceful sit-in protest Tuesday outside the home of Attorney General Daniel Cameron. The demonstrators were demanding the arrest and prosecution of the officers who killed Breonna Taylor, a Black Louisville resident who was shot inside her own home in March.

COVID-Stricken Marc Lamont Hill: New Floyd Video Shows Familiar Ritual of Racist Police Terror

In Minneapolis, newly released police body camera footage reveals devastating new details of George Floyd’s killing on Memorial Day, showing that officers pulled a gun, swore at George Floyd to “get out of the f—ing car,” as he wept and pleaded, “Please don’t shoot me.” The video also showed that medics did not appear to rush to Floyd’s aid after they arrived on the scene.