Today's Liberal News

Pandemic Profiteering: Amazon Caught Price Gouging as Jeff Bezos’s Wealth Soared to $200 Billion

The online giant Amazon has made an extraordinary amount of money during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people shelter at home and shop online. A new Public Citizen report documents how Amazon set prices for essential products during the crisis at levels that would violate price gouging laws in many states, and marked up some products by as much as 1,000%. “This is an ongoing thing. They are doing this currently.

Patagonia has a new clothing label that’s getting people hot under the collar

Patagonia has been very openly in opposition to every terrible move made by the current Republican administration. They have dedicated the ill-gotten Republican tax-cut money to climate change grassroots activism. They have launched lawsuits against the Trump administration and its move to take away federal land from the people and give it to private industry.

On Tuesday, photos went viral across the internet, purporting to show a new label on a Patagonia item of clothing.

Within 2 weeks, Snapchat has registered over 400,000 new voters

Utilizing its platform, Snapchat, the popular social media app, is registering new voters ahead of the election on Nov. 3. As of this report, the app has registered 407,024 people, according to data reported within the app. A spokesperson confirmed with Axios that the tally seen in the app’s “Register to Vote” portal represents the number of users who registered to vote via the app.

Doctor claimed his daughter was attacked by BLM activists and cops refused to help. He was lying

On Sunday, the conservative internet was abuzz with a report of Black Lives Matter protesters attacking innocent people. Dr. Andrea Natale, a cardiologist at the Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute, tweeted that his daughter had been attacked. The tweet, which has since been pulled down, read: “My daughter called in tears. She was driving w her boyfriend in Baltimore & their car was attacked by a group of BLM. It was damaged & her BF was beaten.

The Atlantic Daily: What the Media Didn’t Learn From 2016

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.SARAH SILBIGER / BLOOMBERG / GETTYFewer than seven weeks remain before the 2020 presidential election.This year’s race is proving a test for not only the candidates, but also, according to our reporters, a number of American institutions. Here are four arguments of note:1.

There Won’t Be a Clear End to the Pandemic

(Gueorgui Pinkhassov / Magnum)The pandemic has rendered many activities unsafe, but thankfully it can’t stop us from fantasizing about them. A common balm that people reach for is the sentence construction “When this is over, I’m going to ____.” It seems to help, if only in a fleeting way, for them to imagine all of the vacations they’ll go on, all of the concerts they’ll attend, and all of the hugs they’ll give, as soon as they’re able to.

Scenes From the 2020 Tour de France

The 107th Tour de France cycling race—delayed more than two months due to the coronavirus pandemic—began in Nice on August 29, as 22 teams of riders started their journey through central and southern France in 20 stages. The entire tour covers a distance of 3,484 km and will conclude in Paris on September 20. Gathered here are images from the first 17 stages of the 2020 Tour de France.