DOJ To Ask Trump’s U.S. Attorneys To Resign But Spare Prosecutor In Hunter Biden Probe
The Biden administration’s move would allow both David Weiss of Delaware and John Durham of Connecticut to continue working politically sensitive cases.
The Biden administration’s move would allow both David Weiss of Delaware and John Durham of Connecticut to continue working politically sensitive cases.
Sen. Ted Cruz, after being outed as a coward and someone who somehow is an even less appetizing leader than Donald Trump, has decided to fully embrace the grotesquery which is his existence. Whether it is political theater at the expense of millions of Americans suffering from COVID-19 or political theater at the expense of billions of human beings in general, Ted Cruz is willing to say and do anything he believes will keep him in power and afloat.
When Jared Kushner wasn’t solving the crisis in the middle east, or saving us from the COVID-19 pandemic, or telling Black Americans that they needed to “want to be successful” in order to live the American dream, he was making money. In fact, he was making a lot of money and digging himself out of a ton of debt. His wife, Ivanka Trump, when she was not hazily working on White House policies and plans with unclear results, was also making lots of money.
The bill, which the Ways and Means Committee will mark up later this week, would fully subsidize ACA coverage for people earning up to 150 percent of the federal poverty level and those on unemployment insurance.
“This is obviously a significant and potential dangerous increase,” the sheriff said after the amount of lye in the water rose 11,000%.
Americans are broadly worried about the state of our democracy, according to a new poll released from the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
A plurality of 45% of respondents say it’s either not working “too well” or not working “well at all,” according to the poll, while just 16% of Americans believe democracy is working “well” or “extremely well.
In a win for progressives, the proposal retains the previous income threshold below which Americans would qualify for the full payment.
An estimated 27 million workers would see raises, though there would be 1.4 million fewer jobs.
Am I doing anything intrinsically wrong?
What happens if a pandemic-era trend sticks around?
He was really into this sort of thing before we got married.
A century before GameStop, a stock market outsider took on short sellers. It was a spectacle and a disaster.
With former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial set to begin in the Senate this week, we feature the speech Democratic Congressmember Cori Bush of Missouri made Thursday on the floor of the House of Representatives to demand accountability for the attack on the U.S. Capitol. “On January 3, we stood together to swear our oath to office, to the Constitution. We swore to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic,” Bush said.
As Democrats in Congress push forward on passing President Joe Biden’s sweeping $1.9 trillion stimulus package, many experts say measures to combat the economic fallout from COVID-19 must address the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on women — especially women of color. Women in the U.S. lost 5.
The World Health Organization estimates there have been 51,312 confirmed cases and 522 deaths from COVID-19 in Gaza since reporting began in July 2020, and the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees warns the Gaza Strip’s health system could collapse if the number of cases continues to rise.
In a landmark decision, judges at the International Criminal Court say the body has jurisdiction over war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories, opening the door to possible criminal charges against Israel and militant groups like Hamas.
Parenting advice on Zoom visits, sleep troubles, and sibling sadness.
States often reduce Medicaid benefits during economic downturns. Doing that now could prolong the pandemic.
He doesn’t fully spell out why he thinks Congress shouldn’t spend too much, because that would undermine his weird point.
But if you’re still not convinced, look at these charts.
The GameStop surge was just one of the ways Americans have renewed their love of betting.
There are a lot of bizarre, self-imposed congressional limits that may delay final passage until March.
Becerra provided legal muscle for the state’s pandemic restrictions.
Some of the military members will arrive for deployment in California within the next 10 days.
He screams threats and obscenities every time I walk my dogs past his house.
Parenting advice on vaccine refusal, college funds, and Beetlejuice.
I spent more than two decades at my newspaper. Now it’s gone.
The decision breaks with the Trump administration’s opposition to Okonjo-Iweala and brings the U.S. in line with much of the rest of the world.
Employment levels, however, will not fully recover until 2024.