Today's Liberal News

Listen: ‘A Disaster for Feminism’

Nearly a year ago, Atlantic staff writer Helen Lewis predicted the pandemic would be “a disaster for feminism,” and far too many of her predictions have proven true. With women leaving the workforce at unprecedented rates, why has the pandemic’s burden fallen so much harder on them? And what can we, as a society, do about it?Lewis joins staff writer James Hamblin and comedian Maeve Higgins on the podcast Social Distance.

The Window for D.C. Statehood Won’t Be Open Forever

With one move, Democrats could reshape government and potentially lock in their majority in the Senate for years to come. Four of their own stand in the way.The party may have just a few months to make it happen—but leaders in the House and Senate are taking their time and arguing about the details.Advocates see statehood for Washington, D.C.

The Books Briefing: The Works That Changed Our Understanding of America

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people: That was the idea behind the American experiment. But there has always been tension between the idea and the reality.Inspired by great works of American inquiry, The Atlantic and WNYC Studios earlier this month launched a new podcast, The Experiment: stories from an unfinished country.

The Double Meaning of the American Dream

Having moved from the teeming cityscape of Taipei to the rural American South in the 1970s as a preteen, I know something of the shock, at once awe-inspiring and estranging, of that first sight of the great American landscape—just sheer land—that seems to stretch on forever.

Hiking Is an Ideal Structure for Friendship

Each installment of The Friendship Files features a conversation between The Atlantic’s Julie Beck and two or more friends, exploring the history and significance of their relationship.This week she talks with a group of friends who have been going on monthly hikes for 25 years. They discuss why the hike organizer has absolute authority, how they’ve shown up for one another through tragedies, and why hiking together has bonded them more deeply than other ways of keeping in touch.

Photos of the Week: Mars Rover, Green Fur, Icicle Tunnel

Lava flows on Mount Etna, ski championships in Italy, scenes from the Australian Open, ice skating in the Netherlands, an image from New York Fashion Week, freezing conditions in Texas, a monument to cosmonaut Yury Gagarin, snowy scenes in Greece, and much more.

Can you hear the chants of ‘resign’ as Ted Cruz blames his kids for Cancún fiasco?

Decades of inaction by corrupt politicians, groveling at the oily feet of the fossil fuel industry led to a natural disaster-turned epic disaster in Texas. A winter storm took advantage of an archaic fossil fuel-soaked energy grid. Then conservative officials, their party, and their media propaganda machines attempted to place blame for this failure on renewable energy—which makes up less than 20 percent of the grid.

Thursday Night Owls: What the Trump regime meant for freedom of information requests

Night Owls is a themed open thread appearing at Daily Kos seven days a week.

Philip Eil at the Columbia Journalism Review writes—What the Trump administration meant for freedom of information requests:

THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP PROMISED AN EPIC TEST for the Freedom of Information Act. On one side, the powerful, yet deeply flawed, transparency law that turned 50 years old a few months before Trump’s 2016 election.

This Week in Statehouse Action: Frosted Takes edition

I don’t know if this is just a quirk peculiar to me or what, but when the weather’s cold and sucky, I find myself taking a little extra time with my breakfast.

Whether it’s oatmeal or yogurt fancied up with fruit and granola or just plain cereal, winter weather somehow makes me want to actually sit down and enjoy breakfast with my coffee (as opposed to slurping it down hurriedly while I peruse morning headlines).

DeSantis threatens to only vaccinate rich white Floridians while only vaccinating rich white …

Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis continues his inability to properly address the COVID-19 pandemic with his unveiling of a “pop-up” vaccine clinic. Since the start of the pandemic, DeSantis has followed Donald Trump’s actions in downplaying the virus and its severity. He refused to not only issue a statewide mask mandate but to close beaches and businesses despite a rise in cases.