Today's Liberal News

Land Managers Can’t Burn the West Fast Enough

The West will have many more summers like this past one. Extreme heat waves, wind events, and droughts will make severe, destructive fires an inevitability. The air will be choked with smoke from July to October, and tens of thousands of people will likely be displaced by wildfires in the next decade. For all of humanity’s attempts at setting boundaries between our spaces and wild ones, every summer proves that the two are irreversibly interwoven.

Jenisha Watts Joining The Atlantic as Senior Editor for Projects

As The Atlantic grows capacity and ambition for its largest journalism ventures, the editors announced today that Jenisha Watts has been hired as a senior editor on The Atlantic’s special projects team. Watts will begin with The Atlantic on November 4; she was most recently the culture editor of The Undefeated.“Jenisha is a brilliant editor and a creative thinker with a deep Atlantic sensibility.

This Will Change Your Life

Jordan Schrandt—blond, beautiful, mother of eight, founder of The Farmhouse Movement magazine, which teaches readers how to achieve “a lifestyle of authenticity, simplicity, and kindness”—is a Royal Crown Diamond.Less than 1 percent of the independent distributors who sell essential oils and related products through the Utah-based multilevel-marketing company Young Living reach that top ranking. Those who have net an average annual income of $1.

Breonna Taylor Grand Jurors Say Police Actions Were “Criminal”; Never Given Chance to Indict Cops

Two members of a Kentucky grand jury convened after the Louisville police killing of Breonna Taylor have spoken on camera for the first time, calling the actions of the Louisville officers responsible for Taylor’s death “criminal” and saying the state’s Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron never gave them the option to consider murder or manslaughter charges against the police officers involved.

Care Not Cops: Marc Lamont Hill Makes Case for Abolition After Philadelphia Police Kill Walter Wallace Jr.

Protesters in Philadelphia mark a second night of calling for the abolition of police after two Philadelphia police shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year-old Black man, while he was having a mental health crisis. The shooting reflects decades of defunding of social services, including for mental health, while police departments have continued to grow, says author and activist Marc Lamont Hill, who argues, “If all you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.

Muslims in Trump Country: “Natours Grocery” Tells Story of Palestinian American Family in Virginia

As the presidential race enters its final full week, we speak with filmmaker Nadine Natour about “Natours Grocery,” her new documentary short that tells the story of her Palestinian American family living in Trump’s America. Natour’s immigrant parents own a store in the highly conservative town of Appomattox, Virginia, which voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016.

Tuesday Night Owls: GOTV, breathe deep, and try not to grind your molars this final voting week

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week

William Rivers Pitt at Truthout writes—Get Ready for the Longest Days of Our Lives:

At long last, it stands before us: the Last Week, the longest week, 40 miles of bad road between what we don’t know and what we will find out once the 2020 election deal goes down. Every second drops with the bone-cracking slowness of a cat’s long, insouciant yawn.