Today's Liberal News

The Total Absurdity of Outdoor Dining Structures

Pandemic creativity in the restaurant industry has been a wonder to behold. All those outdoor tables and benches with planters appeared. They looked tasteful, you know? Like if a shop class had built Paris. But then stupid fall came out of nowhere. So we wheeled out these slick heaters and tried warming up the outside. It was great. You felt like an unsold rotisserie chicken.And you felt free. Because America is about freedom.

The Man Who Refused to Bow

adam Kinzinger is a liberated individual—liberated from his party leadership, liberated from the fear of being beaten in a primary, liberated to speak his mind. The 43-year-old representative was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Overcaution Carries Its Own Danger to Children

The past year of COVID-19 has been so terrible that many people struggle to imagine any return to normalcy. More than 500,000 Americans have died. The continued shutdown of schools has led to rising rates of depression and anxiety, unhealthy weight gain, and self-harm among students.

The COVID-19 relief communities of color are desperate for is on its way, with no Republican support

The House turned to work on the COVID-19 relief package Friday—President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan, an ambitious response to try to restore the nation’s physical and economic health following a year of pandemic and a year of callous negligence from Donald Trump and Senate Republicans. That negligence looks more and more like a deliberate effort by Republicans to further what seems to be their only guiding principle these days: white supremacy.

‘Waving the bloody shirt’: Conservatives resort to a time-worn tactic to gaslight the public

If you watched Republicans on the Sunday news talk programs this weekend, you could be forgiven if you experienced a surreal, out-of-body feeling seeing every Republican official invited on for interviews claim, without a scintilla of evidence, that the November presidential election was stolen by Joe Biden. Even worse, they did so with zero pushback from their network hosts.

In those moments, you could see the various strands of right-wing narrative regarding the Jan.

John Durham resigning as US Attorney, but won’t let go of pointless ‘investigation’ of Russia probe

John “Bull” Durham announced on Friday afternoon that he is stepping down from his position in the Department of Justice. Presumably this also means an end to his role as special counsel investigating the origins of the Russia investigation. (Note: latest reporting indicates he’s not dropping the probe.)  In the announcement of Durham’s resignation, there is no mention of any further indictments or report upcoming from that investigation.

‘To Me, This Penis Is Out of Control’

The world of Danish children’s television is not for the prudish. Kids who turn on the tube in Denmark might be greeted by gratuitous flatulence, cursing, casual nudity, or cross-dressing puppets. , a free-spirited, open-minded approach to life—kids begin discussing love, sexuality, relationships, and consent as early as kindergarten, learning while young that their bodies are things to be acknowledged, not repressed.