Today's Liberal News

Why Matthew Yglesias Left Vox

GETTY / THE ATLANTICThe journalist Matthew Yglesias, a co-founder of Vox, announced today that he is leaving that publication for the paid-newsletter platform Substack, so that he can enjoy more editorial independence.The move may prove a good fit for Yglesias, who began his career as a highly successful independent blogger before blogging at The Atlantic and then elsewhere.

Forget SNL. The Best Election Satire Is on TikTok.

Just hours after Joe Biden was declared president-elect of the United States, and as massive celebrations gripped cities around the country, Dave Chappelle took the Saturday Night Live stage to puncture the jubilant mood. He started his monologue with a story about his great-grandfather, who’d been born into slavery in South Carolina. “I thought about him all day today, because I wish I could see him now.

Voting Activist Desmond Meade on Re-enfranchising People & Why “Ex-Felon” Is a Dehumanizing Label

In Florida, tens of thousands of newly eligible voters who were previously disenfranchised due to their criminal records turned out to the polls for the 2020 election. Amendment 4, a measure that in 2018 overturned a Jim Crow-era law aimed at keeping African Americans from voting, restored voting rights to people with nonviolent felonies who have completed their sentences and was hailed as the biggest win for voting rights in decades.

Photos of the Week: Fire Tunnel, Golden Dog, Santa Mask

Dancing on Bolivia’s Salar de Uyuni, curfew measures in Bucharest, coronavirus testing in the U.K., monowheel broomsticks in Brazil, a marigold harvest in Kathmandu, celebrations of Joe Biden’s presidential win, a press conference at Philadelphia’s Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Veteran’s Day memorials, a wedding in Moscow, and much more.