Today's Liberal News

The Stories I Didn’t Learn in School

Image above: Portrait of Mollie Williams (Mississippi), taken as part of the Federal Writers’ ProjectThis article was published online on February 9, 2021.On a rainy Thursday afternoon in November, I stepped inside the : the idea that we have been stripped of social and cultural ties to a homeland we cannot identify. I have listened to friends discuss the specific village in Italy their ancestors came from, or the specific town in the hills of Scotland.

The Lost-and-Found History of the Dorsey Scrapbooks

William Henry Dorsey was an information hoarder. An African American of means who lived in 19th-century Philadelphia, Dorsey suffered from a “malady” that afflicted others of his era: archive fever. He spent much of his long life—he was born in 1837 and died in 1923—clipping newspaper articles and pasting them into one or another of nearly 400 scrapbooks, organized by topic.

Ghosts in Schools

… a human body would not make it
           to the seafloor intact                            *                     NO LOITERING  
               IN THE WATER                             

We Were the Last of the Nice Negro Girls

This article was published online on February 9, 2021.My high-school counselor at Western High School, an all-girls public school in Baltimore, was a rotund white woman with a pleasant but less than energetic countenance. She was wholly absent from my education until one day, after rumblings about affirmative action in colleges had begun shaking the ground that Negroes traversed to higher education, she suddenly summoned my mother and me for a meeting.

Illuminating the Whole American Idea

This article was published online on February 9, 2021.In 1862, an abolitionist from Philadelphia named Charlotte Forten decided to go south to the Sea Islands of South Carolina. She was taking up an important mission: teaching Black children, newly liberated by the Union Army, how to read. Two years later, she would describe for readers of The Atlantic the exhilaration she felt as she traveled to her post.

‘A cult’: Former QAnon believer talks about conspiracy theory messaging and how she finally got out

As mainstream media digs into the deeply concerning QAnon conspiracy theory—including coverage of the reality that we now have a QAnon congresswoman—we’re also seeing more people who formerly identified with the movement come forward. In an interview with CNN, Melissa Rein Lively described how she fell into the conspiracy tunnel, and why she wants to help people experiencing the same thing now.

Ted Cruz gets slammed on Twitter in record time after sniveling anti-Biden tweet

Sen. Ted Cruz, after being outed as a coward and someone who somehow is an even less appetizing leader than Donald Trump, has decided to fully embrace the grotesquery which is his existence. Whether it is political theater at the expense of millions of Americans suffering from COVID-19 or political theater at the expense of billions of human beings in general, Ted Cruz is willing to say and do anything he believes will keep him in power and afloat.

Guess who may have made up to $640 million from ‘outside income’ while in the White House?

When Jared Kushner wasn’t solving the crisis in the middle east, or saving us from the COVID-19 pandemic, or telling Black Americans that they needed to “want to be successful” in order to live the American dream, he was making money. In fact, he was making a lot of money and digging himself out of a ton of debt. His wife, Ivanka Trump, when she was not hazily working on White House policies and plans with unclear results, was also making lots of money.

Just a fraction of Americans think U.S. democracy is working well

Americans are broadly worried about the state of our democracy, according to a new poll released from the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

A plurality of 45% of respondents say it’s either not working “too well” or not working “well at all,” according to the poll, while just 16% of Americans believe democracy is working “well” or “extremely well.

Rep. Cori Bush Denounces White Supremacist Violence from the Capitol Insurrection to Ferguson

With former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial set to begin in the Senate this week, we feature the speech Democratic Congressmember Cori Bush of Missouri made Thursday on the floor of the House of Representatives to demand accountability for the attack on the U.S. Capitol. “On January 3, we stood together to swear our oath to office, to the Constitution. We swore to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic,” Bush said.