Today's Liberal News

“A Threshold Crossed”: Israel Is Guilty of Apartheid, Human Rights Watch Says for First Time

A major new report by Human Rights Watch says for the first time that Israel is committing crimes of apartheid and persecution in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The international human rights group says Israeli authorities dispossessed, confined and forcibly separated Palestinians. “For years, prominent voices have warned that apartheid lurked just around the corner.

Biden is within reach of historic greatness—a prospect barely even imaginable 100 days ago

One hundred days into Joe Biden’s presidency, everyone living in a reality-based world is getting the sense that the 46th president of the United States might be on the way to making history. 

The potential for Biden to enact historic change has been fueled by a confluence of factors, including a catastrophic pandemic that has arguably become the nation’s deadliest public health crisis in a century and has devastated the economy in the process.

We Still Don’t Know Who the Coronavirus’s Victims Were

To reflect on the racial pandemic of the past year is to reflect on the ravages of multiple viruses, all mutating from the original American virus: racism. People of color—already forced into the shadows of society—were infected, hospitalized, impoverished, and killed at the highest rates by COVID-19. All the while, they received the fewest medical and economic protections—prolonging, deepening, and spreading their suffering.

On Rape Narratives and the Surprising Value of Plot

At the bookstore where I used to work, we shelved fiction in four separate categories. Crime novels shared a wall with speculative fiction; romance had a set of freestanding shelves. The rest of the fiction room was devoted to literary fiction, which, unlike the others, we never identified by genre name. The publishing industry tends to treat literary as a descriptor, a nod to a work’s artistic quality or aspirations.