The Hidden Costs of Dollar General
Critics say the company drives out grocery stores and exacerbates the problem of food deserts.
Critics say the company drives out grocery stores and exacerbates the problem of food deserts.
After falling short of its July 4th goal, the White House is now turning to a hyper-local strategy. But progress is slow.
He’s only 3 years old.
The company allegedly went to incredible lengths to avoid paying taxes on a top employee’s compensation.
June was the biggest month for hiring since August 2020.
The proposed Advanced Research Projects Agency would deliver breakthrough treatments for cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and other diseases.
“It’s really sad and tragic,” he said.
Democrats worry that murky conclusions that don’t identify the origin of the virus could play into the Republicans’ hands.
Wigs that incite anger, spectral ceremonies, and regretful bridezillas.
Americans are hitting the road as strong economic growth pushes up oil prices, and Republicans are trying to pin pump prices on Biden’s energy policies.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank still expects rising inflation to subside in the coming months but underscored that he will be watching the data to see if that’s wrong.
A continued inflation spike could make it a lot harder for the president to push through trillions of dollars in additional federal spending.
As gun violence soars in the United States, we look at the Second Amendment and its racist roots with Carol Anderson, author of the new book, “The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America.” In the book, Anderson details how the Second Amendment was written to empower local militia groups to put down slave revolts and protect plantation owners.
Rep. Mo Brooks, who spoke at the Trump rally before the attack, claims he did it only because the White House asked him to.
In the news today: Republicans have settled on a message of fear via racist dog whistles, along with Donald Trump’s Big Lie, heading into the 2022 midterms. It’s been six months since the attack on the U.S. Capitol that came about because of that lie, and Republicans are fully embracing it—along with the attack itself. Nikole Hannah-Jones tells UNC to pound sand. Sadly, the Fourth of July weekend was a bloody one.
Farmworkers were among the essential workers honored at the White House’s July 4 celebration this past weekend. United Farm Workers (UFW) said that the two families, from Georgia and Washington, represented the nation’s nearly 2.5 million farmworkers. More than a million lack legal status, and the families used the platform to urge leaders to pass permanent relief for farmworkers everywhere.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem sure has her priorities straight. When it comes to bright, shiny, jingoistic nonsense, she’s got the instincts of Leni Riefenstahl. When it comes to anything that actually matters—like, say, protecting the lives of her constituents—she’s more like Lennie from Of Mice and Men.
Rachel Nichols, a white ESPN host, is in damage control mode after suggesting Maria Taylor, a Black host of the network’s NBA Countdown, got the job because of mounting pressure on ESPN to diversify. “I wish Maria Taylor all the success in the world—she covers football, she covers basketball,” Nichols said during a recording of a more than 20-minute phone call The New York Times obtained.
The sharp jump underscores the extent to which the Delta variant has spread throughout the country and raises questions about how the Biden administration plans to contain it at the national level.
The businessman and Donald Trump supporter has big expectations for next Friday the 13th.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, normally relatively press-shy and preferring to handle her own image-making (for better or much, much worse), has apparently decided she needs to bolster her reputation as a serious lawmaker. She also wants to make explicit the narrative she’s been anxious to set about herself as the inheritor of John McCain’s legacy. She, or her PR flack, got the Associated Press’ Lisa Mascaro and Nicholas Riccardi to bite.
The story of seed-beetle sex has often been told in a very particular way, with the male in the evolutionary driver’s seat, his hapless mate taken along for a grudging ride. A quick glance at the insect’s penis makes it easy to see why: The appendage is tipped with hundreds of sharp, hard spines that give it the appearance of an elaborate mace.
The Brooklyn borough president maintained his lead after absentee ballots were counted.
The Kentucky senator acknowledged that his state would benefit from the American Rescue Plan, even though he voted against the funds.
Yesterday, the oil-producers cartel OPEC—which is now somewhat cheekily called “OPEC+,” because Russia joined in 2016—failed to reach an agreement on increasing oil production. Stick with me for a second, because this may not seem like it has much to do with climate change, but in fact it reveals how decarbonization is already shifting how money is spent and how geopolitical power is exercised.
Prominent Founding Fathers including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had owned hundreds of enslaved people.
I am angry with both of them.
I risk making her feel deceived.