Today's Liberal News

News Roundup: Tennessee anti-maskers make threats; Rand Paul spreads misinformation; Texas warrants

In the news today: A busy day in pandemic news, but special attention should go to the anti-mask parents of Williamson County, Tennessee, for issuing threats to health care workers trying to protect their kids from dying. That’s Williamson County, Tennessee. Make a note of it.

In other news, this new pandemic surge continues to target children—because children are the largest group still unvaccinated.

Twitter suspended Marjorie Taylor Greene for spreading misinformation (again)

The White House isn’t the only one cracking down on misinformation, as conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines continue to spread online. Twitter reportedly suspended Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s account again, this time for one week, after the GOP official (again) posted misleading “information” about COVID-19 vaccines.

The Threat of a Cuomo Comeback

Dealing with Andrew Cuomo, I wrote after interviewing him in early 2019, is like playing a manic chess game. He tries to guide every move, constantly recalculating and recalibrating. He uses his hands for emphasis and dominance—at one point he reached over, grabbed my ankle (I was sitting with my legs crossed), and held it tight. He stares people down; he berates; he talks and talks, counting on his ability to break whomever he’s talking to.

Why Is It Taking So Long to Get Vaccines for Kids?

Updated at 5:10 p.m. ET on August 11, 2021.The timing of the latest COVID-19 surge isn’t great for children. Millions have already started the school year, the rest will do so in the coming weeks, and COVID-19 vaccines aren’t yet available for the 50 million Americans who haven’t reached their 12th birthday.Vaccine availability will not bring this pediatric outbreak to a halt.

The Best Time-Management Advice Is Depressing But Liberating

Several years ago, the journalist and author Oliver Burkeman asked some of his friends to guess, off the top of their head, how many weeks make up a typical human lifetime. One threw out an estimate in the six figures, but as Burkeman notes in his new book, “a fairly modest six-figure number of weeks—310,000—is the approximate duration of all human civilization since the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia.

It’s Not Just Andrew Cuomo

Far removed from the bustle of New York City and its surrounding suburbs, the upstate city of Albany has always been a place where the state’s political class goes to quietly indulge. Before the pandemic, booze-fueled dinners and fundraisers were a norm, as were raucous parties that drew lawmakers and staffers together.

Taliban’s Sweeping Offensive in Afghanistan Was “Inevitable” and Stems from Brutal U.S. War

The Taliban have continued to seize territory in Afghanistan as the U.S. completes its withdrawal of ground troops from the country, with the militant group now controlling a majority of Afghanistan’s districts and a quarter of provincial capitals. The strength of the Taliban offensive in recent weeks has put the future of Afghanistan’s government in doubt. “This kind of a crisis was inevitable whenever the U.S.

“The End of Neoliberalism”: Rep. Ro Khanna Hails “Historic” $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan

Senate Democrats passed a $3.5 trillion budget resolution early Wednesday morning that would vastly expand the social safety net, increase taxes on the rich and corporations, improve worker rights and include measures to combat the climate crisis. The budget blueprint passed 50-49, less than 24 hours after a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill was approved 69-30 in the Senate.

Gov. Cuomo Resigns After Sexual Harassment Probe; Critic Says He Is “Still Gaslighting New Yorkers”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced his resignation, effective August 24, after a week of intense pressure from fellow Democrats for him to step down. Cuomo, who has been in office since 2011, had few allies left after an investigation by New York’s attorney general found he had sexually harassed at least 11 women — allegations he continues to deny.