Today's Liberal News

Arctic Horror Is Having a Comeback

This article contains spoilers for The Terror and The North Water.
Of all the horrors of a 19th-century European voyage to the Arctic—noses and cheeks turned necrotic by frostbite, snow blindness, sea madness, broken bones badly knit—perhaps most ghastly was scurvy. The disease often starts with stiff limbs and ulcerating skin. Gums bleed and blacken, then engorge and protrude over the teeth or their absent weeping sockets like a dark second set of lips.

The Daily Show reminds us a former conservative freedom cause: No seatbelts

The big issue facing our country today is whether or not vaccine mandates, or even mask mandates, are American! Do we need a nationalized healthcare system or a robust infrastructure bill, or some kind of regulation on our totalitarian income inequality situation? Nope. Mandates on proven public health measures are still a flashpoint for the policy-free GOP.

Universal legal representation can make a lifesaving difference for immigrants

by Maurizio Guerrero 

This story was originally published at Prism.

Tens of thousands of immigrants with strong ties to their communities are deported from the United States every year just because they cannot afford an attorney. Immigrant advocates nationwide are pushing the Biden administration for decisive action and funding to support universal legal representation efforts to give immigrants a fighting chance to determine their future.

Thanks to Trump and the Republican party, COVID-19 is now the deadliest pandemic in U.S. history

The COVID-19 pandemic has now killed more Americans than the 1918 Spanish flu, based on the official death count from COVID-19 compared to the estimated fatalities from the 1918 pandemic. As reported by Berkeley Lovelace, Jr., for CNBC:

Covid-19 is officially the most deadly outbreak in recent American history, surpassing the estimated U.S. fatalities from the 1918 influenza pandemic, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

Reported U.S.

The Atlantic Festival 2021: A Live Virtual Event

The 2021 Atlantic Festival returns this September for seven days of can’t-miss conversations and immersive experiences. The newly expanded festival will convene bold thinkers and prominent voices from politics, business, science, technology, and culture. Join us as we explore ideas for building a better future—and a better America.

Democrats May Be on the Verge of Climate Disaster

This is an excerpt from The Atlantic’s climate newsletter, The Weekly Planet. Subscribe today.I’m starting to become concerned about President Joe Biden’s ability to pass a climate bill. They’re speaking sotto voce, but still: In the past few days, Democrats on the party’s left and right flanks have started to hint that, well, in some circumstances, given some contingencies, they might prefer no bill to a negotiated compromise with the rival flank.