Today's Liberal News

Church that defied COVID-19 shutdown order by holding indoor services received federal PPP loan

As Daily Kos previously covered, a small number of churches in California are fighting back against Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent shutdown order as the state experiences a fresh surge in coronavirus cases. The latest order directs some counties to shutter malls, nail salons, gyms, and houses of worship. As covered Monday, some California churches are continuing to hold indoor services in spite of the new guideline. A federal lawsuit has even been filed.

Video shows Chicago officer punching an 18-year-old activist so hard it knocked her teeth out

Calls for justice erupted and continue nationwide following the brutal murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis. Amid these protests against racial injustice and police brutality, incidents of reported violence perpetrated by police officers continues to surface on social media. Various city police departments have been depicted violently attacking protesters, bystanders, and even reporters.

The Atlantic Daily: Trump’s Show of Force in American Cities

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.RIAN DUNDON / ECONOMIC HARDSHIP REPORTING PROJECTThe deployment of federal forces against protesters in Portland, Oregon, is, apparently, only the beginning.

Congress Is a Hostile Workplace

You think your job sucks?Imagine going to work every day at an office where about half of your colleagues think you’re not just bad at what you do, but that you’re trying to destroy the whole enterprise. In fact, they spend much of their time at work denigrating you to other colleagues, tweeting nasty things about you, and trash-talking you to the media. They even publicly try to get you fired.

Debbie Dingell Is Afraid the Trump Polls Are Wrong—Again

Debbie Dingell was one of the few Democrats who saw Donald Trump coming. She’s worried that her party will underestimate him again.The 66-year-old representative from Michigan first noticed his pull with voters in her district, which stretches from Ann Arbor to Detroit, in August 2015 at a United Auto Workers picnic.

What Kasich Gives Biden

On Monday, the Associated Press reported that former Ohio governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich would speak at the Democratic National Convention in August. For one party to dragoon a notable from the other side into endorsing its presidential candidate is hardly unprecedented. And most of the time, it makes no difference.  But, every now and then, a partisan defector perfectly amplifies the message his endorsee is trying to send.

Paws in the Water: Dogs at Play

Today, rather than presenting a collection of images from the (often stressful) news of the day, I thought it would be fun to put together a group of photos of some canine companions having a great time in the water—splashing in a mountain lake, diving or surfing in competitions, playing in pools, or just cooling off in a puddle or trough.

Trump to Send Federal Troops to Protests in Chicago & Seattle Amid Violent Crackdown by Local Police

As mayors in six cities call for the immediate removal of the president’s rapid deployment units and for Congress to investigate the tactics of federal authorities against antiracism protests, Trump says he may send troops to Chicago this week. “We’re looking at the infringement on our rights that is just escalating,” says Chicago activist Jitu Brown, national director of the Journey for Justice Alliance.