Today's Liberal News

Ellen’s Celebrity Defenders Aren’t Helping Her

Famous people want the world to know that Ellen DeGeneres is nice to famous people. Addressing media reports alleging a culture of harassment and bullying at DeGeneres’s talk show, the singer Katy Perry tweeted Tuesday that she’s “only ever had positive takeaways from my time with Ellen.

Dear Diary: This Is My Life in Quarantine

The time we’re living through will one day become history. This is always true, of course, but the coronavirus pandemic has, perhaps more than any other event in living memory, made people hyperaware that their present will be remembered in the future. And this new, strange sensation has compelled many to capture the moment for posterity.The urge hit Janis Whitlock, a research scientist at Cornell University, when she was walking outside in early March.

Kanye West’s bizarre ‘presidential campaign’ seems little more than a Republican sabotage scheme

Most of us have never wasted a moment of our lives worrying about what Kanye West might be thinking, and are not about to start now. Suffice it to say West announced at one point he was running for president, is making few if any serious attempts to follow up on that announcement, and we’ll leave it at that.

What does exist of an actual West campaign, however, seems to be near-entirely a Republican ratfucking operation.

Another State Department inspector general falls victim to Pompeo’s scandal-ridden tenure

Yet another inspector general has abruptly left the State Department just two and a half months after the last one was ousted at the urging of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo himself. 

Stephen Akard, who took over the agency watchdog position in May after Steve Linick’s ouster, is “returning to the private sector,” according to a statement from the State Department. Deputy Inspector General Diana Shaw will now face down Pompeo’s buzz saw.

The National Night Out when no one came out

We must recognize that our safety is tied to each other

By Zach Norris, executive director of the Ella Baker Center and author of We Keep Us Safe

On the first Tuesday in August every year since 1984, neighbors have gathered with other neighbors, with the police, and with elected officials to reclaim neighborhood safety. According to the National Night Out website, 38 million people have been affiliated with these events through the years.

The personal economy is the one in need of rescue

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released a proposal mislabeled as a COVID-19 relief bill. I say “mislabeled” because the $1 trillion proposal includes little that will relieve people harmed by the pandemic. Full disclosure: I am not an economist.