Today's Liberal News

Democrats Are Trying to Save Climate Policy From the Senate

Why has the United States done so little politically to combat climate change?Blame the Senate. For the past quarter century, the world’s greatest deliberative body has killed virtually any bill that would ensure the continued habitability of the world. Through its slow process, excessive use of the filibuster, and scheme of allotting votes without regard to a state’s population, the Senate has smothered even the meekest climate policies that arrive on its floor.

RNC Opens with Baseless Trump Claims of Rigged Election & Warnings About Socialism and Unions

The Republican National Convention opened in Charlotte, North Carolina, with dire warnings that a Joe Biden presidency could destroy the country. We feature excerpts from President Trump’s surprise speech after he was formally nominated for a second term, claiming without evidence that Democrats are planning to steal the election, and other speakers throughout the evening who repeatedly praised Trump’s handling of the pandemic even as the U.S.

Cornel West & Ben Jealous on the DNC and Whether Progressives Can Push Joe Biden Leftward

Harvard professor Cornel West and Ben Jealous, president of People for the American Way and former president of the NAACP, discuss the 2020 DNC, Joe Biden’s vow to fight systemic racism and “overcome this season of darkness in America,” the historic nomination of Kamala Harris as his partner on the ticket, and how the convention was a showcase for a broad anti-Trump coalition, including prominent Republican figures given plum speaking slots, but few voices from the party&rsq

How Sarah Palin’s culture war affects us in 2020

Like many of you, I spent the better part of last week being excited about the announcement of Sen. Kamala Harris being Joe Biden’s running mate. With all that excitement in mind, I couldn’t help thinking about a thread that my colleague David Neiwert posted a few months back about perhaps the most infamous vice presidential candidate of all time: Sarah Palin.

Kellyanne Conway resigns as family feud goes increasingly public

The same weekend President Donald Trump’s team revealed that White House counselor Kellyanne Conway would be speaking at the Republican National Convention, the mother of four announced she would be stepping away from her official duties at the end of the month following her teen daughter’s threatened emancipation.