We Now Know How Much Trump’s Postmaster General Slowed Down the Mail
The problems were less severe than they first appeared. But there are other reasons to keep the heat on Louis DeJoy.
The problems were less severe than they first appeared. But there are other reasons to keep the heat on Louis DeJoy.
Insiders say Bob Unanue endorsed Trump as part of a plan to keep his job.
Slate Money on the USPS, productivity, and Citigroups’s big blunder.
A scandal-by-scandal breakdown of what’s really gone wrong with the mail.
Appointed to run the UK’s new public health body, Dido Harding comes with baggage.
“The way that you build public trust is that you tell the truth,” says one health adviser.
A Supreme Court decision on the lawsuit isn’t likely until the spring.
“When you have $60 billion less going to families,” former U.S. Treasury economist Ernie Tedeschi told POLITICO, “that means that there’s going to be something close to that less in spending.
In the debate over Covid-19 relief, Congress is worried about the wrong problem.
For the April-June period, Japan’s exports dropped at a whopping annual rate of 56 percent.
Asked when she would next be meeting with Republicans, Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday: “I don’t know. When they come in with $2 trillion.
“It is clear that the UK is in the largest recession on record,” the Office for National Statistics said in a statement.
As the Republican National Convention gets underway this week, we look at how the party has openly embraced the far-right conspiracy theory known as QAnon, which claims, among other things, that President Trump is secretly at war with a deep state cabal of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex trafficking operation.
Never has the simple tense of a verb revealed so much about a political party—or seemed so plainly out of touch with reality.“It was awful,” Larry Kudlow, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser, said tonight during his brief remarks to the Republican National Convention.
In reality, Trump has undermined many criminal justice reform efforts.
The Republican National(ist) Convention kicked off on Monday, with a few hours of mostly older white folks telling America that everything that they’ve seen and heard over the past few years under the Trump administration has been great.
The anti-abortion activist accused Planned Parenthood of racism and described abortion in graphic language.
On Friday, well over a month after voting concluded in Texas’ July 14 primary runoff, Republicans finally learned that Navy veteran Tony Gonzales would be their nominee for the competitive 23rd Congressional District.
On the day that more than two dozen Republican ex-lawmakers, including Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, announce they won’t vote for Donald Trump, Sen. Susan Collins is displaying an astounding degree of cowardice about Trump. Astounding and cowardly, even for her! For months, Collins has been refusing to say whether or not she’ll support Trump. She’s refused to say if she voted for him in May’s primary (his was the only name on the Republican ballot).
Mary Ann Mendoza apologized for amplifying a Twitter thread that included anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories.
Are you tired of the looking glass-level of revisionism going on during the Republican National Convention? Does your head hurt thinking about the myriad fascistic transgressions White House officials are willing to openly practice? There’s a new website for the “RNC,” with a lot more honesty applied than what we are seeing in the general media landscape right now.
The Republican National Convention is sure to be full of more truly horrific surprises tonight, but here’s what they say is going to happen. Melania Trump will “headline,” and maybe she’ll finally fulfill that promise to explain her immigration status. But probably not. Also, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will break every norm that every secretary of state has observed, and appear to endorse his boss, flouting a policy he himself put in place.
The president, who once described the ratings of his press conferences as “‘Monday Night Football’ numbers,” is unlikely to be pleased.
Donald Trump Jr.’s eyes were watery during his Republican National Convention speech and the Grammy-winning singer has a theory.
Drugmakers pitched a counteroffer to the White House aimed at stalling Trump’s plan to link Medicare’s spending on some expensive drugs to much lower prices.
A family of six appears to have brought the virus home from Anchorage.
Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.© Hank Willis Thomas. Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.Blake’s shooting by police is, as my colleague David A. Graham put it, “at once freshly horrifying and achingly familiar.” (Blake, who survived the shooting, is reportedly paralyzed.
Throughout the summer, unusually heavy rainfall has caused a series of devastating floods across parts of central and southwestern China. Tens of thousands of residents have been forced from their homes, hundreds have been killed, and authorities now warn that the Three Gorges Dam is facing the largest flood peak in its history. Gathered here are images of the high water and some of the damage it has caused over the past few months.
This month, two young men stood outside a high-end Hong Kong shopping mall, clutching bouquets of white flowers as they held a memorial for a protester who had died nearby last year. The event, like any marking the milestones or memories of the prodemocracy movement, drew police attention; more than a dozen gathered to keep watch, one holding a video camera to record the events. When a passerby stopped to join the pair, police stepped in.