Today's Liberal News

Listening to Robert F. Kennedy

Fifty-two years ago last Saturday, Robert Kennedy was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, after being declared the winner of the California presidential primary. He was 42 years old.I was too young to remember his death, but over the years I have become something of a Bobby Kennedy devotee. That might seem strange coming from a lifelong conservative who served in three Republican administrations.

One Wedding and a Political Funeral

Virginia Republicans have spent the past decade getting routed in elections. They lost three U.S. congressional seats and control of both chambers of the state legislature in 2018 alone. Yet today, with another tough election less than five months away, Republicans in Virginia’s Fifth District will gather in a church parking lot to decide whether to boot their incumbent congressman, Denver Riggleman, largely because he officiated a same-sex wedding last summer.

New York cop accused of zapping Black teen in face with stun gun

As protests continue across the country following the tragic police killing of George Floyd, reports of police-induced violence have also increased. Footage of officers violently responding to protesters, bystanders, and reporters is quickly making its rounds through social media. The New York Police Department (NYPD) has been depicted a number of times in various incidents, including one in which an officer was seen shoving a woman to the ground during a protest in Brooklyn.

Right-wing media joins Trump in whipping up fear of a nonexistent antifa threat

Right-wing media is elevating hoax after hoax and misleading report after misleading report in its ongoing effort to make antifa the big deal Donald Trump wants it to be. Antifa may be a literal footnote to an intelligence bulletin on protest-related violence, but if you follow Fox News, Blaze TV, the Daily Caller, you’re hearing constantly what a giant scary threat it is.

The Atlantic Daily: This Pandemic Isn’t Over

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.(TIMOTHY MULCARE“Americans are pretending that the pandemic is over,” Yascha Mounk writes. “It certainly is not.” The coronavirus, he argues, will win—and many will be to blame.Meanwhile, our collective understanding of this virus continues to evolve.

Behind the Byline With Ed Yong

In our series “Behind the Byline,” we’re chatting with Atlantic staffers to learn more about who they are and how they approach their work. Ed Yong is a staff writer who covers science. He writes about everything from hagfish slime to giraffe tackling, but since March, he has focused all his reportorial energy on the pandemic.This interview has been lightly edited and condensed.