Today's Liberal News

Bill Gates: The Pandemic Has Erased Years of Progress

Editor’s Note: This article is part of our coverage of the The Atlantic Festival. Learn more and watch festival sessions here. In April 2018, I spoke with Bill Gates about two near certainties—that the world would eventually face a serious pandemic and that it was not prepared for one. Even then, Gates acknowledged that this was the rare scenario that punctured his trademark optimism about global progress.

The Atlantic Daily: A Q&A With Barton Gellman

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.This election could be the one that breaks America, Barton Gellman warns in our November cover story. Given its magnitude, we published the piece early online; read it now.Bart and I caught up over email to discuss the ways America’s election mechanisms might break down entirely.

RBG’s Fingerprints Are All Over Your Everyday Life

In her 87 and a half years, Ruth Bader Ginsburg left a significant mark on law, on feminism, and, late in her life, on pop culture. She also left a significant mark on everyday life in America, helping broaden the sorts of families people are able to make and the sorts of jobs they’re able to take. Her legacy is, in a way, the lives that countless Americans are able to live today.

Reddit Squashed QAnon by Accident

Two years ago, most Americans knew nothing about QAnon, the ever-growing, diffuse, and violent movement devoted to a loosely connected set of conspiracy theories, most of which tie back to the idea that Donald Trump is leading a holy war against a high-powered cabal of child traffickers, some of whom drink blood.

Photos: Remembering the Life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being marked across America, as she lies in repose today on the Lincoln Catafalque in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Ginsburg died at her home in Washington, D.C., on September 18, at the age of 87, after a long battle with cancer. She was the 107th Supreme Court justice, and the second woman to serve on the high court. In her years on the Court, she became an influential icon to many.

No Más Bebés: ICE Hysterectomy Scandal Recalls 1970s LA, When a Hospital Sterilized Chicana Patients

As immigration authorities say they have stopped sending women to a Georgia gynecologist accused of sterilizing female prisoners without their consent, we continue our look at United States’ disturbing history of forced sterilization with the producer and historian behind the 2016 documentary called “No Más Bebés,” which tells the story of how a whistleblower doctor spoke out about a large number of tubal ligations performed on mostly Latinx patients at the Los