Today's Liberal News

Noam Chomsky: Trump Is Using Pandemic to Enrich Billionaires as Millions Lose Work & Face Eviction

As millions of people in the U.S. lose work and face eviction due to the economic crisis brought on by the pandemic, the 1% have seen a massive increase to their wealth, with the Amazon founder and world’s richest person, Jeff Bezos, recently adding an estimated $13 billion to his net worth in a single day. World-renowned political dissident Noam Chomsky says the corporate windfall is yet more evidence that the U.S.

Nope, Dems are not in disarray over party platform and Medicare for All

While Republicans are in rebellion against each other over saving the lives and economic health of America, Politico is on the hunt for a “Dems in Disarray” story. They think they found one in a push by delegates to the Democratic National Convention to include a “Medicare for All” plank in the national platform, which they’re trying to make into a big deal break between presumptive nominee Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Baltimore ICU physician dies of COVID-19 after battling virus on front lines, joining too many lost

As Donald Trump continues to downplay and fumble pandemic response, the nation continues to face the novel coronavirus with meager federal oversight or support. Meanwhile, cases continue to rise, and medical professionals continue to brace against growing patient numbers. Now, yet another medical professional that worked on the front lines to fight COVID-19 has died of the virus. Dr.

Listen: How Immunity Works

On this episode of the podcast Social Distance, Katherine Wells gets the results of her coronavirus and antibody tests. She has questions about what they mean, so an expert joins to explain the immune system (with help from James Hamblin’s metaphors).Lisa Butterfield is a tumor immunologist who works in cancer immunotherapy.