Today's Liberal News

Stocks Don’t Care About the Coup

Armed insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, chasing Congress members into hiding and threatening to hang Vice President Mike Pence and shoot House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Congress impeached President Donald Trump for the second time. White nationalists promised further acts of terrorist violence. The COVID-19 daily death toll hit 4,000. Payrolls declined. And in response, the markets rose a touch, with the Nasdaq and the Russell index of small-cap stocks hitting record highs.

Would You Patent the Sun? Polio Vaccine Inventor Jonas Salk’s Son Urges More Access to COVID Vaccine

The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. is set to top 400,000 before Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, but rollout of coronavirus vaccines has been slow, with many describing a vexing amount of red tape standing between them and the shot. We look at the development and distribution of another vaccine during the polio epidemic in the 1950s with Dr.

From Charlottesville to the Capitol: Trump Fueled Right-Wing Violence. It May Soon Get Even Worse

As security is ramped up in Washington, D.C., and state capitols across the U.S., the FBI is warning of more potential violence in the lead-up to Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20. Federal authorities have arrested over 100 people who took part in last week’s deadly insurrection at the Capitol, and The Washington Post reports that dozens of people on a terrorist watch list — including many white supremacists — were in Washington on the day of the insurrection.

Dr. Ali Khan: U.S. Needs to Quickly Ramp Up Vaccinations as COVID Kills Over 4,000 in Single Day

As the United States breaks all records for coronavirus cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns another 92,000 could die in the next three weeks as complaints grow over the slow distribution of COVID vaccines. Across the country, hospitals are overflowing, and ICU beds are in short supply. In Los Angeles County, an epicenter of the outbreak, a staggering one in three residents has gotten the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, according to new data.

Saturday Night Owls: Today even the FBI loves Martin Luther King Jr. It sure didn’t in the ’60s

Night Owls is a themed open thread appearing at Daily Kos seven days a week.


Joe Berkowitz at Fast Company writes—The damning ‘MLK/FBI’ doc shows how poorly Martin Luther King Jr. was treated in his time. Informed by newly declassified documents, ‘MLK/FBI’ is a warning to those who oppose Black Lives Matter about how they’ll be viewed in future history.

‘I knew this was going to be a problem.’ L.A. nurse describes life in the early days of the pandemic

by Virginia Eubanks

This narrative in the Unheard Voices of the Pandemic series from Voice of Witness is published with permission, as part of a partnership with Prism. Interview and editing by Virginia Eubanks.

Nurses are widely praised as selfless heroes of the coronavirus pandemic, but they face workplace and political conditions that routinely put them at unnecessary risk, hamper their ability to care for their patients, and discount their humanity and labor.