Today's Liberal News

Labor Organizer: I Witnessed Bush Steal 2000 Election in Florida. We Can’t Let Trump Steal This One

We look at Donald Trump’s attempts to undermine the U.S. presidential election with Jane McAlevey, a union organizer, negotiator and senior policy fellow at UC Berkeley’s Labor Center who was an eyewitness to the 2000 Florida recount. She says the 2000 election holds lessons for today, when Democrats allowed Republicans to claim a controversial victory. “We have to have a counternarrative. We have to have very large numbers of people in the streets,” she says.

Sunday Night Owls: Schreiber: ‘How Biden Can Beat Covid-19.’ It obviously won’t be easy

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week

At The New Republic, Melody Schreiber write—How Biden Can Beat Covid-19. Getting the pandemic under control won’t be easy. But health experts basically know what has to happen:

The choice to address the pandemic didn’t have to be political. It was made so by the Trump administration’s decisions to downplay Covid-19 and appropriate safety measures.

Weeping for joy on election night: ‘We get to keep our Social Security and our Medicare’

While many in the media class are giving a lot of airtime to middle-of-the-road and conservative BS about President-elect Joe Biden’s need to be … a Republican(?), the joy being felt across the country is not simply the result of ending the Donald Trump nightmare. It’s about righting a ship the Republican Party has directed away from the majority of American citizens’ needs.

Buttigieg once again hits it out of the park on Fox News, this time talking about Mitch McConnell

Former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg made yet another stellar appearance on Fox News Sunday. This time, Buttigieg talked to host Chris Wallace about what President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris plan to do for the United States, especially when it comes to the novel coronavirus pandemic, because, as we know, COVID-19 numbers are once again skyrocketing.

Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall

Do not say that Donald Trump failed to build his wall. He built it. But he built it in Washington, D.C., not along the southern border, and he built it to shield himself from his fellow citizens, not to shield his fellow citizens from the existential threat posed by Mexican job-seekers.The White House today is hidden behind a welter of barricades, anti-scale fencing, bollards, and Jersey barriers. The tens of thousands of people who flooded downtown D.C.

New York: Images of the Empire State

New York has the fourth-largest population of any U.S. state, and is home to the most populous city in the country, New York City. From Buffalo, through the Finger Lakes, to the Hudson Valley, Manhattan, and more, here are a few glimpses of the landscape of New York, and some of the wildlife and people calling it home.This photo story is part of Fifty, a collection of images from each of the United States.An earlier version of this photo essay misidentified the location of one of the photos.

Total Landscaping: A Masque

America is loose as a gooseIt avoided becoming Belarus.But that sulking Caesar, POTUS—where’s he gone?Is he watching Fox News with a big frown on?We’ll seize the cycle. We’ll make allegations.Reverse these numerical humiliations.A major press conference, that’s the thing.At the Four Seasons … Total Landscaping.So the gods of bathos displayed us allon pickled asphalt, by a lumpy green wall.

Dave Chappelle Doesn’t Think America Is Saved

Dave Chappelle had the same thing on his mind when he came out onto the Saturday Night Live stage in 2016 and 2020, both times hosting the show right after the U.S. presidential election. “Don’t forget all the things that are going on … all these shootings in the last year,” he said in 2016, invoking the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub.

How to Tell the Story of a Cult

Not 20 minutes into The Vow, HBO’s enthralling-then-ultimately-gasbaggy docuseries, things started to feel concerningly familiar to me. Sarah Edmondson—an engaging Canadian actor with big valedictorian energy who had joined the Albany-based organization NXIVM (pronounced nex-ee-um)—was describing how she was first drawn into a group that she would later expose as a sex cult. Edmondson’s career had stalled, and she was looking for a sign from the universe.