Today's Liberal News

The Final Pandemic Surge Is Crashing Over America

Editor’s Note: The Atlantic is making vital coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find the collection here. Understanding the pandemic this week requires grasping two thoughts at once. First, the United States has never been closer to defeating the pandemic. Second, some of the country’s most agonizing days still lie ahead.Long term, the view has never looked brighter.

The Tragedy of a Ruined Telescope

One of the most powerful telescopes in the world is on the brink of collapse.Arecibo, a giant radio observatory nestled in the lush mountains of Puerto Rico, did some of the dreamiest work in astronomy. But it was forced to stop operations this year after suffering unprecedented damage, and officials now believe that it is beyond repair. Instead of trying to fix it, they’re going to tear it down.The trouble began in August.

The Atlantic Daily: The Final Pandemic Surge

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.SHUTTERSTOCK / PAUL SPELLA / THE ATLANTICThis week brought another round of urgent pandemic updates, both catastrophic and spectacular. Our writers help you process the good and the bad.

How Many Americans Are About to Die?

Editor’s Note: The Atlantic is making vital coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find the collection . Nor does the analysis incorporate the possibility of an overburdened testing system becoming unable to complete as many tests as necessary, which would depress case counts. Either of these factors could push or skew the expected death rate even higher.

Dead Before Christmas: As U.S. Passes 250K COVID Deaths, Healthcare Workers Brace for Holiday Surge

As the official U.S. COVID-19 death toll breaks worldwide records and passes 250,000, hospitals are at capacity, and overwhelmed healthcare workers still lack personal protective equipment. Health officials say conditions will worsen further with holiday travel and family gatherings for Thanksgiving. “I can’t really overemphasize how important the next few days are,” says Ed Yong, science writer at The Atlantic.