Help! My Friend Won’t Stop Critiquing My Interior Decorating Choices.
I don’t want him in my new home.
I don’t want him in my new home.
When a big jet airplane crashes, it almost always makes headlines around the world, and for good reason: Fatal passenger accidents are extremely rare. Right now, though, the eyes of the world are on the Ever Given, the massive container ship still stubbornly lodged between the banks of the Suez Canal.
Earlier this month, the United States promised to send Canada and Mexico a total of 4 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is not yet being used to inoculate Americans against COVID-19. The commitment of 2.5 million vaccines to Mexico represents the largest single pledge of vaccine doses from one country to another so far in this crisis. Those doses are going to a neighbor in great need.
You were probably busy with other things in September 2020.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died. The raging COVID-19 pandemic had erupted at the White House. President Donald Trump had debated Joe Biden.So you might have missed a news item from Kazakhstan: the elimination of the last weapons-grade uranium in that country. In a program jointly operated with the United States, Kazakh scientists ground 2.9 kilograms of highly enriched uranium into a fine powder.
When Nancy Pelosi was asked “Why bother?” with Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, given that he was no longer president, the speaker of the House replied: “You cannot go forward until you have justice.”It was a simple but powerful statement that Americans understand in a personal and visceral way after the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.
“New Orleanians are very crafty. Whoever made this, I tip my hat to them.
“New Orleanians are very crafty. Whoever made this, I tip my hat to them.
“First class” is about to become a misnomer.
“First class” is about to become a misnomer.
Few problems are simultaneously so distressing and so addressable.
Few problems are simultaneously so distressing and so addressable.
It’s trying to offer something Amazon and Spotify can’t.
It’s trying to offer something Amazon and Spotify can’t.
As the president once put it: Come on!
As the president once put it: Come on!
Leaders of Trump’s Covid response are aligning their stories, worried that Azar will try to pin the blame on them in upcoming books.
Leaders of Trump’s Covid response are aligning their stories, worried that Azar will try to pin the blame on them in upcoming books.
The low levels of flu during the Covid-19 pandemic have left experts with a much smaller pool of data used for predicting which flu strains will predominate next winter.
The low levels of flu during the Covid-19 pandemic have left experts with a much smaller pool of data used for predicting which flu strains will predominate next winter.
The moves are possible due to an expected vast increase in vaccine supply, Newsom said in a statement.
The moves are possible due to an expected vast increase in vaccine supply, Newsom said in a statement.
The Coleman FlipLid Personal Cooler is now $13, or 33 percent off.
How do I determine if my child is ready for school?
The president’s team is preparing a $3 trillion spending proposal to power through Congress. They’re betting markets and the economy will cooperate long enough to pass it.
Structural inequities in the U.S. labor market that have affected Black and Hispanic workers’ ability to advance out of low-paying jobs, as well as discrimination in hiring practices, are also likely having an effect.
Central bank officials now expect the unemployment rate to drop to 4.5 percent by the end of 2021.