Today's Liberal News

Biden Vows to Cut Emissions, But U.S. Continues to Subsidize Fossil Fuels Amid Climate Crisis

The White House convened a virtual summit on the climate crisis this week, with 40 leaders representing the world’s major economies pledging cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. President Joe Biden said the U.S. would cut its emissions by at least 50% below 2005 levels by the end of the decade — nearly double the target set by the Obama administration six years ago. Biden’s pledge fulfills “a basic requirement of the U.S.

“He’s Going to Be So Missed”: Funeral Held for Police Shooting Victim Daunte Wright in Minneapolis

Mourners gathered in Minnesota Thursday for the funeral of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man who was shot dead by a white police officer during a traffic stop in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center. Daunte’s mother, Katie Wright, fought back tears as she remembered her son. “When he walked in the room, he lit up the room. He was a brother, a jokester, and he was loved by so many. He’s going to be so missed.” We air excerpts of Wright’s funeral service.

Community Spotlight: Don’t mess with the Pootie People!

In the early days of Daily Kos, one member decided that the Community needed a break from all the politics of the G.W. Bush era, and started a daily series devoted to furbutts and featherbutts, pooties and woozles, and every other critter that has worked its magic on the human heart.

Indigenous knowledge at the White House: Haaland outlined the Interior’s work since she took office

By Aliyah Chavez

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said at her first White House press briefing, “how monumental this week has been for Indigenous representation.” She was the latest Cabinet member to take questions from reporters on Day Two of President Joe Biden’s climate summit.

There are so many firsts associated with Haaland’s appointment. She is most likely the first Native American to brief the national press corps from the White House podium.

Compassion is back in the White House … and the VP’s residence. This short clip shows it

I’ll make this quick because the video speaks for itself.

For four years we sat by, mouths immutably agape, as Donald Trump tossed paper towels at hurricane victims and made the COVID pandemic all about himself. But with the return of competence to the White House, we also saw a renewal of compassion. So far at least, that’s been seen most prominently in the words and actions of Joe Biden, our consoler-in-chief.

‘Stop the Steal’ spread on Facebook enabled Jan. 6 insurrection, company’s internal report finds

Facebook executives have been dismissive from the start about attempts to hold them accountable for their social media platform’s role in inciting and organizing the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol—including CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony to Congress last month in which he evaded questions about his company’s culpability, saying: “I think that the responsibility here lies with the people who took the actions to break the law and do the insurrection.

Maker of Sinema’s ‘f*** off’ ring supports $15 minimum wage, this week in the war on workers

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is definitely operating on the “any attention is good attention” theory lately, and she got the attention she craves when she posted a picture of herself drinking sangria and flaunting a ring with the message “fuck off.” Truly, it was her own Melania Trump “I don’t really care, do you?” moment.

Well, turns out the maker of that ring is not on board with Sinema’s project.

Your Moviegoing Experience Is About to Change

When 2020 began, the future of movie theaters looked bright. Seemingly every major Hollywood studio was pursuing its own cinematic universe, and every big-budget film was seeking a sequel. Viewers were promised a slew of surefire hits, including a new Christopher Nolan thriller, Daniel Craig’s last outing as James Bond, and the next era of Marvel movies. “There’s no way one can say theatrical is dead,” Deadline observed of the year to come.

The Atlantic Daily: 6 Movies We Didn’t Love

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.The Oscars aim to showcase the best of the year’s cinema, bold acts of storytelling that captivated audiences.These are not those films.

The Anti-Vaccine Influencers Who Are Merely Asking Questions

Life can go back to normal in the United States only if millions more Americans get vaccinated against COVID-19. The problem is that today’s communication environment is perfectly engineered to discourage that. Wild claims go viral, and partisans exploit any scientific uncertainty for political advantage.

No One Is Saving Myanmar

Since Myanmar’s military seized power in a coup on February 1, an initial sense of shock has given way to vibrant protests, and most of the ire has been concentrated on the junta: Hundreds of thousands of people in towns and cities from the foothills of the Himalayas to the far southern border on the edges of the Andaman Sea have marched in defiance of an armed force known for its durability and cruelty.