Today's Liberal News


Grace Schulman’s poem is a “celebration” of springtime, a season that can in itself feel like a hopeful celebration of warmth, light, and life. Schulman describes newly blooming nature as full of motion, as though every flower, tree, and creature were waking up and dancing: The hostas unfurl, the tulips gaze feverish, the oaks raise up their leaves.But the joy is tinged with loss. The changing seasons mark the passage of time, marching forward to an inevitable end point.

The Danger of Shortchanging Parents

In 1920, following the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, the lawyer and feminist Crystal Eastman turned her attention to the future. The new goal of the feminist movement, she argued, should be to ensure that women are free to pursue careers outside of child-rearing—but also to guarantee that if women chose to focus on parenting, their labors would be “recognized by the world as work, requiring a definite economic reward.

The Power of a Skeptical Captain America

This article contains spoilers through the entirety of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Avengers: Endgame.Superlative television should always know what it wants to be, and on that front, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has felt more like Marvel’s exercise in trying things out than a series with a fully realized sense of self.