Today's Liberal News

What do Tucker Carlson’s fans sound like? Rep. Swalwell releases voicemail threats to show us

California Rep. Eric Swalwell, like many Democratic officials, has been the target of right-wing media personalities like Tucker Carlson—largely because he is consistently vocal about GOP malfeasance and hypocrisy. On Thursday, Rep. Swalwell posted a voicemail message he received filled with hate, invective, racism, homophobia, and wishes for his torture and death.

Connect! Unite! Act! We all make errors

Connect! Unite! Act! is a weekly series that seeks to create face-to-face networks in each congressional district. Groups meet regularly to socialize, get out the vote, support candidates, and engage in other local political actions that help our progressive movement grow and exert influence on the powers that be. Visit us every week to see how you can get involved!

No one is perfect—not even close. We all make mistakes.

Latina Equal Pay Day brought a litany of dismal statistics, this week in the war on workers

Latina Equal Pay Day fell on Oct.21 this year. That’s the day when, starting on Jan. 1, 2020, Latina women have finally been paid what white men were paid in 2020 alone. It followed Black Women’s Equal Pay Day on August 3 and Equal Pay Day (averaging all women) on March 24. Latinas are paid 57 cents for every dollar paid to white men, and have to work an extra 294 days to earn the same amount of money.

The Real Scandal About Ivermectin

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, and a very good one. If you are infected with the roundworms that cause river blindness or the parasitic mites that cause scabies, it is wonderfully effective. It is cheap; it is accessible; and its discoverers won the Nobel Prize in 2015. It has also been widely promoted as a coronavirus prophylactic and treatment.

How Public Health Took Part in Its Own Downfall

There was a time, at the start of the 20th century, when the field of public health was stronger and more ambitious. A mixed group of physicians, scientists, industrialists, and social activists all saw themselves “as part of this giant social-reform effort that was going to transform the health of the nation,” David Rosner, a public-health historian at Columbia University, told me.

College Admissions Are Still Unfair

This week Amherst College announced that it was ending the use of legacy preferences in its admissions process. Its president, Biddy Martin, acknowledged that providing an advantage to applicants who are the children of alumni “inadvertently limits educational opportunity.” When incredibly wealthy, highly selective colleges such as Amherst (endowment: $3.

Where Did 7 Million Workers Go?

The U.S. economy right now is a little bit like Dune.Not Frank Herbert’s magisterial sci-fi epic novel, or Denis Villeneuve’s new and reportedly sumptuous film adaptation. I mean David Lynch’s infamously bewildering 1984 movie version, which is remembered mostly for being a semi-glorious mess. Like that space oddity, today’s economy is too strange to neatly categorize as “clearly great” or “obviously terrible.

News Roundup: Sinema feels the heat; a new DeJoy scandal; climate change comes for greedy deniers

It is Friday. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s tour de delusion may be coming to an end, as the disappointing senator might have finally realized she technically does have a job. It is impossible to overstate how essential doing away with the filibuster is to a healthy democracy. There’s a new Postal Service scandal, care of DeJoy. Conservatives may finally begin to worry about climate change as it threatens their wallets.

Honolulu police handcuffed and arrested a 10-year-old Black girl for drawing picture of peer

It’s no surprise that law enforcement often treat people of color differently. However, in the case of children, it’s far worse: Law enforcement and other authorities often treat children of color, especially Black folks, far more aggressively than others. In a recent incident proving this, Honolulu police in Hawaii handcuffed and arrested a 10-year-old girl in January 2020 for drawing an offensive picture of another student.

Tennessee Republican stands in chamber, claims the Civil War isn’t over—and the ‘South is winning’

Tennessee state Sen. Frank Niceley has been around for a while. He’s the kind of special scumbag that supports big government subsidies for guns but opposed his own Republican governor’s deal to expand health care coverage to Tennesseans back in 2015. 

On Wednesday, Tennessee legislators passed a “nearly $900 million spending package aimed at clearing the way for Ford Motor Company’s $5.

Stop Shopping

Lately, news stories about the supply chain tend to start in similar ways. The reader is dropped into an American container port, maybe in Long Beach, California, or Savannah, Georgia, full to bursting with trailer-size steel boxes loaded with toilet paper and exercise bikes and future Christmas presents. Some of the containers have gone untouched for weeks or months, waiting for their contents to be trucked to distribution centers.