Today's Liberal News

Republicans Are Grabbing Power Because SCOTUS Said Go for It

This week, Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly approved new maps for electing state legislators and U.S. representatives. The results are what you’d expect for a red state: Of the 14 U.S. House districts, including a new seat added after the latest census, Republicans can expect to win nine, 10, or perhaps 11; they can also expect strong and possibly veto-proof majorities in the state legislature.The problem is that North Carolina isn’t really a red state.

The Casteism I See in America

Indians and Indian Americans are often held up as a “model minority” in the United States. Members of this community are more likely to be highly educated and to have health insurance, make more money, work in more senior positions, and have lower rates of poverty than both the average immigrant and the average American.

How Democrats Got Desperate

The progressives blinked.For months, the feisty left flank of the House Democratic Caucus insisted it would not provide the votes to pass Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package until the Senate first approved the rest of the president’s economic agenda.

How Democrats Got Desperate

The progressives blinked.For months, the feisty left flank of the House Democratic Caucus insisted it would not provide the votes to pass President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package until the Senate first approved the rest of the president’s economic agenda.

News Roundup: Biden’s DOJ sues Texas; Florida’s DeSantis is a coward; Biden’s infrastructure plan

It is Friday. It has been another week filled with names like Manchin and Sinema, along with words like “conservative” and “blame.” But we are on the precipice of having our government accomplishing something! It has been a tough week for progressives and the centrist discourse that the traditional media promotes, and has always promoted, is once again searching for surface-level answers to poorly thought out questions about our country’s deepest concerns.

White mom hires attorney after Southwest Airlines crew said she was trafficking biracial daughter

When will people learn that families come in all different colors? Well, someone needs to start by teaching Southwest Airlines employees before a major misstep evolves into a major lawsuit. 

The most recent gaffe by the airline took place a month ago when Mary MacCarthy, who is white, boarded a plane in San Jose, California, with her 10-year-old biracial daughter Moira MacCarthy to attend a funeral.

Immigrants go through hell trying to access legal help while in ICE detention—and it’s on purpose

When detained immigrants are able to access legal help and gain representation, they are up to 10 times more likely to be able to stay in the U.S., the Vera Institute of Justice said earlier this year. “Lawyers make a big difference.” Maybe that’s one reason why Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have consistently set up roadblocks that make just trying to get a lawyer on the phone outright impossible.

Trans teen sues Tennessee over discriminatory anti-trans sports bill that’s keeping him on sidelines

As Daily Kos has continued to cover, Republicans have been more than happy to jump into anti-trans hate as a way to distract people from their failures in office. While some state-level legislation has died in committee, some has made its way through both the statehouse and senate and made it all the way to the governor—and some, sadly, has even been signed into law by Republicans.

Democrats Are Getting Crushed in the ‘Vibes War’

To explain the Democrats’ poor performance in state and local elections Tuesday, various commentators have made very specific claims: It was mostly about critical race theory, or mostly about Terry McAuliffe’s flaws as a candidate for Virginia governor, or mostly about suburban white women voting like it’s 2012 again.But none of these explanations is fully satisfying. The turn against Democrats wasn’t limited to parents, or Virginia, or white women.

Actually, Kristen Stewart Has Always Been a Great Actor

Kristen Stewart hit the height of her fame as the star of the Twilight movies about a decade ago, and to many audiences she will always be a teenage girl falling in love with a vampire. Last month, in an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times, the actor said she’s probably made “five really good films” at most. The quip immediately inspired blog posts and social-media jokes about how perhaps the Twilight quintet filled all of those slots.

Why Aaron Rodgers Felt Free to Mislead People

Updated at 5:10 p.m. ET on November 5, 2021The Minnesota Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins and the Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving disheartened fans and disappointed their teams by remaining unvaccinated against COVID-19, but at least both athletes kept it real. Neither attempted to deceive the public about his status. Aaron Rodgers, however, made a conscious decision not to tell the truth.

COVID-Vaccine Mandates for Kids Are Coming

COVID-19 vaccination for 5-to-11-year-olds is finally a go. But even as the emergency-use-authorization process unfolded, so too did arguments over whether kids should (or would soon) be forced into getting shots. School mandates for new vaccines tend to lag behind CDC recommendations by about half a decade, but COVID-19 shots appear to be in the express lane.