Roger Goodell Admits NFL Was Wrong About Player Protests
The commissioner is backtracking from the football league’s original stance that players should not be allowed to peacefully protest during the national anthem.
The commissioner is backtracking from the football league’s original stance that players should not be allowed to peacefully protest during the national anthem.
After an elderly protester in Buffalo, New York, was pushed to the ground by police officers and left to lie there as blood pooled beneath his head, the head of the local police union, John Evans, said his colleagues were disgusted.Disgusted, that is, that two of the officers seen in the video were suspended without pay.
This week’s clash of protesters was rooted in the racist housing policy known as redlining.
One person mocked the president by saying, “The racism will continue until morale improves.
The president mentioned Floyd one day after his family asked that his name not be used “as a prop.
The request sparked a wave of anger on Twitter.
Kramer wasn’t afraid to scare people in power and alienate his own allies—and he changed the world.
The American Civil Liberties Union and Black Lives Matter announced Thursday they are suing President Trump and Attorney General William Barr for authorizing an “unprovoked and frankly criminal attack” on protesters at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., where the National Guard and officers dressed in riot gear fired tear gas, rubber bullets and flashbangs to disperse peaceful protesters on Monday so Trump could have a photo op with a Bible in front of St.
As the nationwide uprising in defense of Black lives continues, demonstrators are recording videos of police brutality on the streets. We speak with Chris Frierson, an African American documentary filmmaker and cameraman who was filming a Black Lives Matter protest on Saturday in Brooklyn, New York, when police moved in on demonstrators. As Frierson filmed, police pepper-sprayed him directly in the face. Chris kept on filming as he struggled to the sidewalk crying in agony from the pain.
The house is now worth triple what I sold it for.
On Thursday, disturbing new details were revealed in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, the 25-year-old Black man who was chased, ambushed and shot dead by a group of white men in Georgia in what many have called a modern-day lynching.
America continues to battle the coronavirus, demonstrators fill the streets to decry police brutality and racism, and former members of President Donald Trump’s own Cabinet are denouncing his leadership. There’s undeniable surrealism to the moment at hand, with police killings captured on camera running parallel to the bizarre image of the president strolling to a church to hold up a Bible, after the police used violent force to clear his path of peaceful protesters.
“If you have a pulse, I’m with you!” the president tweeted in his attack on Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski.
In Minneapolis, members of George Floyd’s family, loved ones and supporters gathered for a tribute to his life. During the memorial service, people stood in silence for eight minutes and 46 seconds — the amount of time police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on Floyd’s neck as he pleaded for his life.
Roger Williams Jr. was 10 years old when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed. It was 1968, and the assassination prompted chaos, uprisings, and fires across the country, including in his own Chicago neighborhood. “At the time, as a kid, you didn’t understand it,” Williams, now 62, told me.
Parenting advice on chore interventions, video games, and Father’s Day.
I arrive at the Paramount Drive-In Theater two and a half hours before its first screening, but it appears I’m already late: Ahead of me, a line of cars has formed, ranging from sedans like mine to pickup trucks loaded with blankets and pillows in the back, all inching toward the entrance.
The local chapter of Black Lives Matter dismissed the mural as a “performative distraction from real policy changes” designed to “appease white liberals.
Many remarkable narratives explore the affliction of racially oppressed people in granular detail. Saidiya Hartman’s written history of black women arriving in urban American cityscapes at the turn of the 20th century encapsulates marginalized people’s struggle to live. In her book, Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments, she centralizes the stories of that population of black drifters, marking all of the obstacles of their journeys, while underscoring the marvel of their existence.
Many wait to see what Congress will do before committing to tax hikes, big spending cuts
My lover has to pay attention, lest I take a digit off him.
Nobody in Congress likes to give other politicians money. But the track record shows that writing checks directly to states could keep the recession from becoming way worse.
It was the biggest quarterly decline in more than a decade.
Defund police departments and primary every politician who takes their blood money donations.
During a virtual town hall Thursday, former vice president Joe Biden estimated that some 10% to 15% of Americans are “not very good people,” adding that the vast majority were “decent” folks the president should work to unite.
No one should count their chickens before they hatch. This is not what I’m doing. What I’m saying is that if we keep doing what we’re doing, and that guy cowering in the bunker in the White House keeps doing what he’s doing, and Senate Republicans keep carrying water for the guy in the bunker … then yeah, Democrats will pick up the Senate. And I’m not going out on a limb in saying so.
On Friday morning, Donald Trump came out for a victory lap because the unemployment rate is only 13.3%. The unexpected dip in the unemployment rate is being taken as validation of the decision to “reopen” America, not just by Trump, but by a whole squadron of right-wing pundits who are filling airwaves and social media with a flood of celebratory told-you-so.
Despite the drop in the unemployment rate in May, many economists feel further aid is needed.