Today's Liberal News

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News of scientific developments now reaches a much wider audience in this pandemic. But not all science news is created equal, and the difference between a meaningful study and a meaningless one is often distinguished only through terms many Americans aren’t familiar with.

Oprah’s magazine sponsored 26 Breonna Taylor billboards around Louisville demanding justice

Oprah Winfrey and her crew at O, the Oprah Magazine not only featured Breonna Taylor on one of the magazine’s final covers, the first ever O Magazine cover to feature someone other than the media mogul herself in 20 years of publication, they are going even further in their quest for justice for Breonna Taylor and her family.

Sign and send a petition to Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer: Fire all the officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s murder.

Pelosi welcomes judge’s decision against Republicans in proxy voting lawsuit

House Republicans can’t sue to block the proxy voting system adopted by a full vote of the House (over unanimous Republican opposition) to keep members safe during the coronavirus pandemic, a federal judge ruled Friday. Judge Rudolph Contreras of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia dismissed the suit, writing that “the House unquestionably has the authority, under the Constitution, to ‘determine the rules of its proceedings.

Kansas governor angered after House Speaker attended meeting, didn’t disclose COVID hospitalization

What kind of a person would go from being hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms for a week and then return to work as normal without telling his coworkers? Kansas House Speaker Ron “Rona” Ryckman, that’s who. 

The Kansas lawmaker, a senior Republican from Olathe, a suburb of Kansas City, told supporters in an email obtained by the Kansas City Star about his diagnosis.

Another Lesson from the Roman Empire

A year ago, I published a piece in the print magazine about that long-standing object of American fascination, the Roman Empire. Usually, and usefully, Americans have over the centuries looked to Rome for guidance on how their nation could avoid the predictable slide from republic to empire to conquest and dissolution. My favorite in this genre is the wonderful 2007 book Are We Rome?, by my friend (and Atlantic colleague) Cullen Murphy.

The Atlantic Daily: 9 Poems for This Fraught Moment

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.THE ATLANTICPoems hold power. As my colleague Hannah Giorgis put it: “Whether by conveying the scale of national grief during a pandemic, or exposing the relentlessness of racism, poetry has already created new ways of experiencing, and surviving, life’s darkest chapters.

The Amazing Disappearing Election

Over the past six months, it has seemed like every news story is about the coronavirus, or President Donald Trump’s failed response to it. It’s been a challenge for even crucial issues like racial justice and police violence to break into the media agenda for more than a few days at a time.

The Books Briefing: The Writers Who Don’t Work Alone

Who wrote Shakespeare’s plays? A definitive statement of authorship may be hard to come by, but evidence suggests that the bard did not write alone. He co-wrote The Two Noble Kinsmen with his contemporary John Fletcher, and collaborations with actors, playwrights, and others likely informed his other works.