Today's Liberal News

Trump’s war on the Postal Service is also an attack on Black lives

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has over 600,000 workers across the United States, and has been, as you know, under attack by Donald Trump, who, in his reckless attempt to screw up mail-in ballots, is also wreaking havoc on the lives of USPS employees. As a side benefit for the Bigot in Chief, he gets yet another opportunity to harm Black folks.

‘I am disgusted’: North Carolina cop fired after defending George Floyd in viral TikTok video

A Black North Carolina police officer who defended George Floyd in a viral TikTok video has been fired from the Greensboro Police Department after an accusation he violated the department’s social media policy by wearing his uniform in the video. Former officer Ja’Quay Williams said in a TikTok video posted to YouTube Thursday that he’s been on administrative leave for two months while the department investigated his TikTok account.

The United States Versus Steve Bannon

Shortly after 4 p.m. this afternoon, the sunburned visage of Steve Bannon popped up on a projector screen inside the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse in Lower Manhattan. President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist was sitting in what appeared to be a holding cell in lieu of a courtroom, wearing an open-collared shirt, a white mask, and handcuffs.

Democrats’ Unprecedented Embrace of Gun Control

On a cold February evening, weeks before the full force of the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States, a few dozen Mike Bloomberg supporters milled around the airy living room of a home in the genteel Washington, D.C., suburb of McLean, Virginia. The voters, most of them white, described themselves as moderates or former Republicans.

The Atlantic Daily: Obama Makes Fear a Rallying Cry

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.GETTYUnable to gather in person, the Democrats took their party’s convention digital—and nailed it, argues David Frum, who served as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. In the process, the party created the first true social-media convention.

“Don’t Let Them Take Away Your Power”: Obama Slams Trump at DNC & Warns U.S. Democracy Is at Risk

On the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, party leaders argued that U.S. democracy is at risk if President Trump is reelected in November, with a lineup of speeches from former Congressmember Gabby Giffords, senator and former presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren and former President Barack Obama, who grew emotional describing the stakes of the election and urged people not to “let them take away your democracy.