Today's Liberal News

Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into John Bolton over his anti-Trump book

Donald Trump is good for literature. Actually … that’s overstating it. A lot. But Trump is certainly good for publishers, and for dramatic titles. In one-word titles alone, it’s possible to build a pretty decent description of Trump using Rage, Unhinged, Disloyal, Fear, Hoax. You certainly don’t have to go to Insane Clown President, but … that’s also not a bad description.

Utah anti-mask rally goes viral after attendees spout conspiracies and comparisons to George Floyd

 As health experts continue to encourage mask-wearing across the country, some anti-maskers just won’t give up. They have been refusing to wear masks since the start of the pandemic, despite research supporting that masks significantly prevent the spread of COVID-19. In Utah, maskless demonstrators have crowded city sidewalks and school-related meetings to protest mask mandates in and out of schools.

The Most Important Number for the West’s Hideous Fire Season

Updated at 7:07 p.m. ET on Sept. 15, 2020.To understand the ravenous wildfire season in the American West this year, boil some ravioli. Put the heat on high. After about 10 minutes, the pasta will go limp and start to break apart. Keep boiling. When the pot holds a shallow puddle of water and a pile of soggy debris, keep going. Don’t turn down the heat until the last bubbles of water sizzle and vanish.

The Atlantic Daily: Fires Don’t Care About Swing States

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.CreditBy the time President Trump flew West—and by the time his 2020 opponent, Joe Biden, gave his first speech on the matter—the fires had been burning for weeks.

A Paranoid Rant Says a Lot About Where Trumpism Is Headed

No matter how often he’s asked, Donald Trump can’t articulate what his second term as president would look like. He doesn’t need to, because Americans can see for themselves. It looks like Michael Caputo.Caputo is the top spokesperson at the Department of Health and Human Services, which is a job in which you’re supposed to shape the news, not make it. But Caputo has had a busy few days.

Released Today: The Atlantic’s THE AMERICAN CRISIS from Simon & Schuster

The past four years have been among the most turbulent in U.S. history—and would have been so even without a global pandemic and waves of nationwide protest against police violence. How did we get here?Today The Atlantic and Simon & Schuster release The American Crisis, an urgent look at a country in chaos, drawn from the pathbreaking recent work of The Atlantic’s journalists.

Life in the Wake of COVID-19

In April, José Collantes contracted the new coronavirus and quarantined himself in a hotel set up by the government in Santiago, Chile, away from his wife and young daughter. The 36-year-old Peruvian migrant showed only mild symptoms, and returned home in May, only to discover his wife, Silvia Cano, had also fallen ill. Silvia’s condition worsened quickly, and she was taken to a nearby hospital with pneumonia.