Trump stokes a new threat to Wall Street: Election chaos
“This does have the potential to incite … the metastasizing of social unrest,” said one market strategist.
“This does have the potential to incite … the metastasizing of social unrest,” said one market strategist.
Operation Warp Speed is the administration’s best attempt at fighting coronavirus, experts say, but White House meddling has caused public confidence to plummet.
Slogans and toothless executive orders don’t pay anyone’s doctor bills.
It is the first known instance of a staffer with regular proximity to the health secretary testing positive for coronavirus.
Trump has cheated his entire adult life, from failing to pay contractors to accepting Russian help in the 2016 election, and is now setting the stage to cheat again.
Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.GETTY / THE ATLANTIC1. The political fight to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg“Democrats have few options to try to prevent President Donald Trump from confirming his nominee, whom he plans to announce on Saturday,” our politics writer Elaine Godfrey writes.
The directives on patient protections and billing that the president outlined aren’t likely to yield new safeguards.
“He’s got superspreader events all over the country,” one Democrat lamented, while Republicans simply shrugged like they do at most things involving Trump.
“I’m used to bullies.”That’s a line Joe Biden has used several times during his run against Donald Trump, and he said it again recently in talking about the first presidential debate.“I hope I don’t take the bait, because he’s going to say awful things about me, my family, et cetera,” Biden said at a virtual fundraiser.
Plus, parents who split custody aren’t “less of a parent.” They’re often better quality parents.
The reports of widespread political interference come at a critical point in the pandemic, the science and medicine academy leaders warned.
The struggle over Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement on the Supreme Court could help propel Democrats to the brink of a Senate majority in November’s election. But whether it lifts them over that threshold could turn on the terms of the confirmation fight.
As outrage mounts over the grand jury ruling in the police killing of Breonna Taylor, we look at the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where an investigation is in its final stages. The case sparked renewed national protests in August after viral video showed Kenosha police shooting the Black father in the back seven times, paralyzing him. We speak with Blake’s father, Jacob Blake Sr.
We go to Louisville, where protests erupted after police officers who shot Breonna Taylor in her own home were not charged for her death. A grand jury indicted a third officer for “wanton endangerment” for shooting into an adjacent apartment during the fatal raid that killed Breonna Taylor in March. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in cities across the country demanding justice for Taylor and defunding of police departments.
He says he will delete the photos. I don’t believe him.
My child receives no live instruction, ever.
Mr. Centrism is now behind legalized weed, mass student debt forgiveness, and the Green New Deal.
And why a financial services industry built around optimism can’t stand a pessimist like me.
Conservatives have historically done better firing up their base on abortion. But this time they’ll be confronting the grief and rage of abortion-rights supporters.
As the milestone approached, President Donald Trump played down the virus while his health experts urged Americans to keep up their guard.
Critics have argued the Trudeau government lacked preparedness or a sense of urgency before the country was hit by the pandemic’s crises.
The central bank shed more light on its pledge not to raise interest rates until prices begin to rise more rapidly.
Tens of thousands have taken advantage of provisions allowing employers to punt their payroll tax bills into next year and beyond.
Progress on global health and the worldwide economy has regressed, Gates Foundation report finds.
After months of setbacks amid Covid-19, the White House used Labor Day to focus on worker resilience and tout pre-pandemic conditions.
Revelations about forced hysterectomies at an ICE facility in Georgia have forced a reckoning with the long history of sterilizations in the U.S. — particularly of Black, Brown, poor and disabled people — and the way this procedure has continued in jails and prisons to the present day.
Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week
Kenny Stancil at Common Dreams writes—Fed Program Meant to Help Workers Amid Pandemic Prioritized Wall Street Investors Instead.
The announcement on Wednesday, after more than six months, that only one of the three officers involved in the shooting death of 25-year-old EMT Breonna Taylor would receive a charge was disappointing. When it became clear that not only was that charge minimal (endangerment), but that it did not relate to the actual killing of Ms. Taylor but the fact that one officer shot so wildly that his bullets missed Taylor and hit other apartments, depression and anger set in.