Today's Liberal News

Amid Protests & Pandemic, 200+ Unhoused People Sheltering in Minneapolis Hotel Now Face Eviction

We go to Minneapolis, where the community has taken over a Sheraton hotel to provide shelter to more than 200 unhoused people amid protests and the pandemic. Now they face eviction. “Using hotels for emergency housing is an obvious answer,” says Rosemary Fister, community organizer. “They are largely vacant as we enter an economic depression in the midst of a global pandemic.

Wednesday Night Owls. Kuttner: Georgia on my mind

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week

Robert Kuttner at The American Prospect—Georgia on my mind:

Almost everything that could go wrong with an election did in Tuesday’s Georgia primary election. Is this a harbinger of November? At the very least, it’s a wake-up call.

The state had ordered 30,000 new machines, and these machines are tricky to use and prone to malfunction.

Republican Party rebukes Las Vegas mayor pro tem for ‘racially charged comments’ about BLM

As the United States tries once again to reconcile its white supremacist systems and the toll it has taken on millions of American citizens, Las Vegas continues having bizarre Republican operatives saying wackadoo racist things. Meet Michele Fiore. Fiore is the Las Vegas mayor pro tem you might remember as the lawmaker who during previous BLM protests said she supported shooting protesters, and subsequently clarified she meant just the Black Lives Matters ones.

Trump admin sued over Stephen Miller-led order blocking migrant kids from asylum

The Trump administration’s Stephen Miller-pushed public health order that has now resulted in the deportation of hundreds of migrant children back to possible danger is now facing its first court challenge, CNN reports. Advocacy groups including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have sued the administration over its attempt to deport a 16-year-old boy who fled Honduras after witnessing a gang murder, the report said.

Hospitals are in a COVID-19 crisis that the Trump administration has made worse

While some of the nation’s richest hospital chains have received billions in coronavirus bailouts, many of the hospitals that have been bearing the worst of the crisis and need the support haven’t gotten it. Some hospitals that the Trump Health and Human Services Department sent money returned it because they didn’t need it or because they were closed, the Wall Street Journal reports.