Today's Liberal News

Mississippi officials say AT&T took $283,000,000 to provide broadband and pocketed the money

One of the things that the FCC and FTC have not done effectively over the last few decades is hold telecommunications companies like AT&T and Verizon accountable for their tax-subsidized infrastructure obligations. In fact, the FCC under Trump’s choice and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai, have done everything possible to protect big telecommunications from being held responsible for their fraudulent behaviors.

The Atlantic Daily: The Truth About the Trump Cluster

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.TASOS KATOPODIS / GETTYPutting aside the mechanics of who infected whom: The outbreak of COVID-19 at the White House is Trump’s doing.Call it the Trump cluster.

The People Trump Came Home To

Updated on October 5, 2020 at 7:04 p.m. ET.On any given morning, the White House is a blur of activity. A chef may be whipping up breakfast for the first couple in the second-floor kitchen. A valet might be shining the president’s shoes, while the head butler lingers in the West Sitting Hall, awaiting any urgent presidential requests. Housekeepers, maybe a dozen of them, could be deployed throughout the building, vacuuming, polishing, and dusting.

Emily in Paris Is an Irresistible Fantasy

Late in Netflix’s Emily in Paris, the new comedy series from Sex and the City’s creator, Darren Star, Emily (Lily Collins), the titular American expat, tries to give herself a reality check about her new home. “It’s just Paris,” she says. “It’s not some alternate universe where rules don’t apply.”Oh, but Emily does live in an alternate universe, one built by Star for his first Millennial protagonist.

Now Comes the Reckoning

“Truth will come to light,” Launcelot Gobbo tells his father in The Merchant of Venice. “At the length truth will out.”For Donald Trump, this past week is when, for all except his most beguiled and gullible supporters, the truth willed itself out. At the start of the week, the ground on which the president’s most fanatical followers stood started to crumble; by the end of the week, it had completely collapsed.

A Sexting Scandal Puts a Politician in the Hot Seat

The whole point of Cal Cunningham was that he was supposed to be boring. The North Carolina Democrat is not the most dynamic campaigner, but polls have consistently given him a lead over the Republican incumbent, Thom Tillis, in the race for U.S. Senate.Now that lead is up in the air. On Thursday, a report revealed texts between Cunningham, a married father of two, and a Democratic strategist. The texts are less racy than, say, joggy; true to form for Cunningham, they’re rather dull.

“Black Women’s Lives Matter”: Breonna Taylor’s Family Demands a Special Prosecutor to Reopen Case

Breonna Taylor’s family is calling on Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear to appoint a new special prosecutor to reopen the case after they say newly released grand jury tapes confirm the state Attorney General Daniel Cameron “did not serve as an unbiased prosecutor in this case and intentionally did not present charges to the grand jury that would have pursued justice for Ms. Taylor.

After Recklessness, a Coronavirus Outbreak at the White House; Will Admin Cover Up or Contract Trace?

As President Trump and a growing number of prominent Republicans are infected with COVID-19, we speak with Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, who says Trump was reckless in his approach to the coronavirus and continues to flout public health recommendations. “There is an outbreak happening at the White House. It will continue to spread. It will not go away on its own,” says Dr. Jha. “The way you stop it is to test, trace and isolate.

What Did He Know and When Did He Know It? Lies & Contradictions Abound as Trump Is Treated for COVID

As the White House and President Trump’s medical team issue conflicting statements on Trump’s condition after he was hospitalized for COVID-19, and when he was infected, we speak with Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason. The administration’s lack of transparency “certainly raises questions about the decisions that were made to allow him to travel, for him to decide to travel, and to expose what seems like a lot of people,” Mason says.