Weather the Winter Nights Ahead With This Wearable Blanket, Now on Sale
Looking forward to a season of cozy porch-sitting?
Looking forward to a season of cozy porch-sitting?
Before Trump blew up negotiations, the White House proposed a $1.6 trillion relief bill. Democrats should offer to take it.
A menstruation-themed red is the latest cross-branded stunt color to dilute a once-vibrant brand.
Suddenly, no one needed a suit—or even pants—for work meetings.
“They saved the world, but it wasn’t enough.
As officials debate how to get Trump’s name on the cards, health officials warn of a taxpayer-funded boondoggle to bolster president’s flagging poll numbers.
He added that a vaccine likely won’t be widely available until next summer or fall.
Bright alleges that he was demoted because he opposed political pressure linked to an unproven Covid-19 treatment.
House Democrats will introduce a bill intended to limit the administration’s ability to spend federal funds on certain coronavirus-related advertisements before the election.
Parents, stop coaching your kids from the sideline. Instead, ask them what they learned from the game.
Was I groomed or just reckless?
The comments from the leading Fed officials were the latest evidence of the central bank’s growing attention to persistent inequality in the economy.
The president’s approval rating on the economy remained his bright spot. But he darkened that outlook by shutting the door on a comprehensive economic aid package just as millions of Americans start voting.
The monthly deficit in U.S. goods trade with all other countries set a record high in August at more than $83 billion.
During Wednesday’s debate, Vice President Mike Pence refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power if Biden wins the election. Instead, he referenced the Trump administration’s legal efforts to restrict mail-in voting. Rev. William Barber says the Republican Party’s voter suppression efforts ahead of the November election, aimed primarily at Black and Brown voters, amount to “surgical racism with surgical precision.
Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week
Mindy Isser at In These Times writes—The unionization of environmental organizations is changing the climate justice movement for the better:
[…] Charlie Jiang, a climate campaigner at Greenpeace USA, an environmental nonprofit, told In These Times that staff there “have been organizing for quite some time, a
In January of 2017, Michael Tubbs of Stockton, California, became the city’s first Black mayor as well as the youngest person elected to that office, at age 26. Not long after coming into office, Mayor Tubbs announced that Stockton would become the first American testing ground for a basic income program.
In a major loss for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and private prison profiteer GEO Group, a federal judge has largely upheld California law banning private prisons, including those that jail immigrants for the federal government. Concerned about profits over people, GEO Group sued following the legislation’s signature from Gov. Gavin Newsom last year. On Thursday, GEO Group lost.
Tweets hoping that Donald Trump dies have been circulating on Twitter since last Friday, after Trump tweeted confirming he tested positive for COVID-19 on Oct. 2. But instead of ignoring them, as Twitter does for many comments and threats directed at people of color, the social media giant retweeted a post mentioning that tweets referencing death wishes are against its policies.
The president declined to say whether he was negative for COVID-19 on Tucker Carlson’s show — his first on-screen interview since getting the coronavirus.
Last Friday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar informed the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis that “Herd immunity is not the strategy of the U.S. government with regard to coronavirus.” But on Monday, he and Donald Trump adviser Dr.
The president curtailed use of fetal tissue in federally funded medical research, but the moral objection apparently vanishes when it’s Trump who’s in need.
Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. (Netflix) David calls it “an easygoing, charming work, buoyed by [Radha] Blank’s excellent lead performance and suffused with snappy jokes and sparkling supporting turns.”Did someone forward you this newsletter? Sign up here. Need help? Contact Customer Care.
Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison declined to debate unless both candidates took a coronavirus test. GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham declined.
“Trump’s televised medical exam will be as honest and transparent as Trump’s taxes,” one Twitter user promised.
The president, who is recovering from the coronavirus, has also scheduled another in-person campaign rally.
Some 60 percent of all U.S. businesses that have closed during the pandemic have not reopened.
The campaign by Pfizer comes amid growing scrutiny of the CEO’s predictions that the company will know this month whether it has a viable vaccine.
Either way, it’s an opportunity for Democrats.
“We’re not a democracy,” Republican Senator Mike Lee tweeted in the middle of Wednesday night’s vice-presidential debate. He was reacting to something he’d heard onstage there, in his home state of Utah. Another tweet: “The word ‘democracy’ appears nowhere in the Constitution, perhaps because our form of government is not a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic. To me it matters.