Today's Liberal News

Buffalo police veteran fired for stopping brutality may get a new investigation and restored pension

Former Buffalo police officer Cariol Horne tried to do the right thing back in 2006. In 2006, a white police officer Horne was working with began choking a handcuffed Black suspect. Horne pulled that officer off of the suspect and was summarily fired for her protection of a Buffalo citizen. At the time, Horne was called out for what higher ups called her “extreme lack of professionalism.

The Atlantic Daily: Fleeing Big Cities Is a Gamble

Associated Press1. The Supreme Court ruled that a 1964 civil-rights law protects gay and transgender employees from workplace discrimination.Today’s ruling hinged on the Court’s interpretation of a three-letter word in the Civil Rights Act of 1964—sex. As Todd S. Purdum recounted last year, the word’s inclusion in that bill was somewhat of a fluke: A segregationist member of the House proposed adding it, in what was seen as an attempt to sink the legislation.2.

Trump administration orders removal of Black Lives Matter banner from U.S. Embassy in Seoul

On Saturday, the American embassy in Seoul, South Korea, hung a large “BLACK LIVES MATTER” banner from their building in support of “fellow Americans grieving and peacefully protesting to demand positive change.”

That banner is now gone again, after Donald Trump and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo learned of its presence. According to Time, both were “displeased” with the display.

The U.S.

New Civiqs #BlackLivesMatter 50-state poll shows dramatic movement nationwide

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Our Civiqs daily tracking poll spanning three years showed America just how successful and powerful the Black Lives Matter protests have been in radically and rapidly shifting public opinion in favor of dramatic changes to the status quo. It’s no surprise, then, that it received front-page treatment at The New York Times as well as coverage in dozens of media outlets including MSNBC, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Politico, and the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Trump suffers double blow on Supreme Court ruling outlawing bias against transgender, gay workers

When sex discrimination was originally added to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, its introduction reportedly drew a round of howls in the lower chamber of the U.S. Congress. Based on several reports, Representative Howard W. Smith, a Virginia Democrat who opposed the bill, added it as a floor amendment to weaken and potentially kill support for the bill.

The original text of the legislation banned employment based on race, creed, religion, or color.