Today's Liberal News

Goodbye, Columbus: Bree Newsome Bass on the Movement to Topple Racist Statues Across the Globe

As protesters worldwide continue to topple monuments to racists, colonizers and Confederates as part of the wave of demonstrations against racism and state violence, we speak to Bree Newsome Bass, artist and antiracist activist based in North Carolina, who five years ago was arrested at the state Capitol in South Carolina after scaling a 30-foot flagpole to remove the Confederate flag.

Black Trans Lives Matter: Movement Pushes for Justice & Visibility Amid “Epidemic” of Violence

At least 15,000 people marched through Brooklyn Sunday to protest violence against Black transgender people, particularly women, who face disproportionate levels of violence at the hands of police and on the streets. The protest came as two more Black trans women were killed last week, in Ohio and Pennsylvania. They are believed to be at least the 13th and 14th violent deaths of transgender people in the United States this year.

Supreme Court Bars Workplace Discrimination Against LGBTQ People; Ruling May Be Transformative

In a historic 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, forbidding workplace discrimination on the basis of sex, applies to gay and transgender people. The decision comes just days after the Trump administration reversed health protections for transgender people under the Affordable Care Act. “This truly is a historic ruling,” says Chase Strangio, deputy director for transgender justice with the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project.

Listen: Can We Sing?

On the latest episode of Social Distance, staff writer James Hamblin and executive producer Katherine Wells answer questions from listeners.Listen to the episode here:Subscribe to Social Distance on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or another podcast platform to receive new episodes as soon as they’re published.What follows is an edited and condensed transcript of their conversation.James Hamblin: This question comes from Tyler Richter in Springfield, Missouri.

The Path to Autocracy

Over the past decade, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz Party have transformed a democracy into something close to an autocracy. Shortly after his first reelection in 2014, Orbán gave a speech outlining his political project.

Angela Davis: Dems & GOP Tied to Corporate Capitalism, But We Must Vote So Trump Is “Forever Ousted”

“Neither party represents the future that we need in this country — both parties remain connected to corporate capitalism,” Angela Davis says of the 2020 election. “We’re going to have to translate some of the passion that has characterized these demonstrations into work within the electoral arena, recognizing that the electoral arena is not the best place for the expression of radical politics.

Monday Night Owls: Rightist attack on solar undermines potential for a just transition on energy

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week

Andrea Germanos at Common Dreams writes—To Support an ‘Urgently Needed Clean and Just Energy Transition,’ 450+ Groups Demand Federal Regulators Rebuff Attack on Community Solar:

Over 450 environmental, faith, and consumer advocacy groups on Monday urged federal regulators to reject a proposal from a secretive rightwing organization that would upend policies seen as “foundational to a

‘Demonstrate the value of a Black woman’s life’: Beyoncé seeks justice for Breonna Taylor

Beyoncé has become the latest celebrity to use her platform to advocate for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor. The 26-year-old emergency medical technician was asleep when Louisville police kicked in her door on a no-knock search warrant and shot her at least eight times even though no drugs were found in her home, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal.

Matt Gaetz and Ted Cruz get in a Twitter fight with Ron Perlman for some reason

Everything is bad and we can’t have nice things so, instead, please enjoy this long, drawn-out Twitter war between two of the least liked Republican lawmakers in America and … um, famous actor Ron Perlman, for some reason. The pushing-off point was Florida man Rep. Matt Gaetz grunting that well, if there’s going to be be kneeling during the national anthem, maybe we just shouldn’t have soccer at all, you soccer meanies.