Today's Liberal News

“It’s Criminal”: Biden Slams Trump as Gov’t Can’t Find Parents of 545 Children Separated at Border

During the second and final presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee, moderator Kristen Welker asked Trump and Biden about immigration and family separation. Trump deflected questions during the debate, repeatedly stating that the Obama-Biden administration “built the cages” and falsely claiming that kids seeking asylum in the U.S. are “well taken care of.

Biden Admits Past Mistake Supporting Crime Bill as Trump Defends Attacks on Black Lives Matter

President Trump and Joe Biden sparred on their records over race and criminal justice in Thursday’s presidential debate. Trump simultaneously promoted his criminal justice reform efforts while continuing to lean on “tough on crime” rhetoric. Trump also criticized Biden for authoring the 1994 crime bill and supporting other laws that intensified mass incarceration in the U.S., which Biden acknowledged was “a mistake.

We’re going to punish Republicans for shredding democracy. Here’s how

Republicans just shredded every democratic norm and rammed through arch-conservative Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, an extremist move that will take America in a very ugly direction.

Progressives have been promoting many ideas to fix this severe problem, like rebalancing the court by adding more seats, or instituting term limits for justices.

Majority of Supreme Court now confirmed by senates where GOP represented fewer Americans than Dems

On Monday, Senate Republicans confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court and in doing so have officially brought minority rule to the highest court in the land: Five of the six conservative justices—a majority of the Supreme Court—have been confirmed by senates with Republican majorities that represented fewer Americans than their corresponding Democratic minorities.

McConnell goes totally nuclear, puts Barrett on the Supreme Court 8 days before the election

How bad is the Republican Senate under Mitch McConnell? It’s so bad it just handed Donald Trump—Donald Trump—one-third of the Supreme Court. Amy “Superspreader” Barrett has been confirmed on a nearly purely party-line vote, 52-47. Sen. Susan Collins, in a completely transparent bid to scrape any Democratic or independent votes that might still be up for grabs in Maine, voted with Democrats against confirmation.

The Amy Coney Barrett Hail-Mary Touchdown

Senate Republicans were always going to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Conservative voters wanted it, and the party united around the concept. Republicans “believe voting on this justice is a constitutional duty. The nomination happened. There was time to get it done. So they got it done,” Steven Duffield, a Republican former senior Senate aide, told me.

The Atlantic Daily: The Inevitability of Amy Coney Barrett

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.SUSAN WALSH / APThe rushed appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court tells a story of a party aware of its own weaknesses. The nation is a week out from a national election that Republicans may very well lose.

Listen: The Virus Is Peaking, but Help Is Going Away

Many provisions of the CARES Act ran out in July. Soon, state unemployment insurance will start to run out for people who lost work at the beginning of the pandemic. Congress and the White House have failed to pass new support, and even if an agreement is reached, Senate Republicans have signaled that they’ll prioritize confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court before the election.