Whatever Happened to the National Enquirer?
The once-feared tabloid has been in a tailspin since it got involved with Donald Trump.
The once-feared tabloid has been in a tailspin since it got involved with Donald Trump.
Jacob Weisberg joins Slate Money to discuss Pfizer’s vaccine, Megaphone, and Supreme.
The tabloid built its business on some of the same wild tactics it used to catch its biggest scoops.
We can save lives—and businesses. Let’s get it right this time.
The politicization of mask-wearing shows how difficult it will be for Joe Biden to build consensus around even basic public health strategies after he’s sworn in.
The nation’s testing capacity has increased, but not fast enough to keep pace with the swarm of new cases.
Biden’s transition team must plan for a crisis response without access to essential information about the nation’s supply chains and testing supplies.
The news comes days after Pfizer revealed that initial data suggest its vaccine is more than 90 percent effective.
Care facilities can’t keep the virus out as it spreads through communities.
He says it’s my responsibility as the sender to follow up.
Parenting advice on traumatic discoveries, hurtful beauty standards, and misplaced bitterness.
When Dad’s Garage Theatre became a polling place, its staff decided to offer voters more than lines and ballots.
Biden will inherit an economy similar to one he and Obama did 12 years ago. But unlike last time, he’ll have few tools to deal with it.
The latest episode of POLITICO’s Global Translations podcast explores the new industrial policy emerging in America to counter China’s ascent.
The economy weighs heavily on voters’ minds.
The gains are a sign of positive trader sentiment, although it’s unclear if that has to do with hopes of a clear winner emerging.
Trump got a great economic report to use on the campaign trail. But behind the surface, giant risks are looming.
In Florida, tens of thousands of newly eligible voters who were previously disenfranchised due to their criminal records turned out to the polls for the 2020 election. Amendment 4, a measure that in 2018 overturned a Jim Crow-era law aimed at keeping African Americans from voting, restored voting rights to people with nonviolent felonies who have completed their sentences and was hailed as the biggest win for voting rights in decades.
President Trump has only made one brief public appearance since the election was called for Joe Biden, and his Twitter feed is filled with conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud, which state elections officials have repeatedly rejected.
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been one of President Trump’s closest international allies. How will he adapt to working with a Biden administration? Cambridge professor Priya Gopal says Johnson was clearly betting on a Trump reelection, especially amid Britain’s exit from the European Union. “I think they were certainly hoping that there would be a Trump victory,” says Gopal. “Brexit and Trump, as Trump quite correctly recognized, are very deeply in sync.
We look at how Joe Biden’s presidency will affect the U.S. footprint in the Middle East with Guardian correspondent Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, who says Biden’s win is being viewed with “anxiety” by many Iraqis who are eager to avoid war between the U.S. and Iran. “Any conflict will take place on Iraqi soil,” says Abdul-Ahad. “There is not much optimism. There is anxiety towards Biden and his team in the way they deal with Iraq.
Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week
A couple of weeks ago, Night Owls excerpted David Dayen’s important September 2019 essay at The American Prospect titled The Day One Agenda: The Next Administration—Using Presidential Power for Good.
The New York governor tore into Trump after the president’s threat to hold up COVID-19 vaccine distribution to his state.
“A great Shadow has departed.”
With these words, Gandalf reveals to Sam the success of his and Frodo’s quest to destroy the One Ring, the fall of the evil Sauron, and the liberation of Middle Earth. Joyful celebration ensues, Frodo and Sam are lauded as heroes, and they all live happily ever after.
Only, not quite.
This is the first full-fledged taxi flight for NASA by a private company.
Hillary Clinton called it four years ago when she pointed out then-Republican nominee Donald Trump’s propensity to cry system rigging when he happened to face an undesired result. “You know, every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him,” she said during the final presidential debate of 2016. “He lost the Iowa caucus. He lost the Wisconsin primary.
Without political leadership, it’s up to everyday Americans to do what it takes to get the pandemic under control
It’s another Sunday, so for those who tune in, welcome to a diary discussing the Nuts & Bolts of a Democratic campaign. If you’ve missed out, you can catch up at any time: just visit our group or follow the Nuts & Bolts Guide. For years I’ve built this guide around questions that get submitted, hoping to help small-race candidates field questions.