Today's Liberal News

Wednesday Night Owls: Without aid, millions of renters are on the brink of eviction, financial ruin

Night Owls, a themed open thread, appears at Daily Kos seven days a week


Despite the Centers for Disease Control’s nationwide eviction moratorium, tens of thousands of Americans have been evicted and more are being served notices every day, perhaps 150,000 households. As the piece below notes, without an extension of that moratorium—which expires Dec.

Shrinking GOP margins in a rock-ribbed Republican district helped power Biden’s Wisconsin win

Our project to calculate the 2020 presidential results for all 435 congressional districts nationwide goes on to Wisconsin. You can find our complete data set here, which we’re updating continuously as we crunch new numbers.

Four years after Wisconsin backed Donald Trump 47.2-46.5, the Badger State swung just enough to the left to deliver a 49.6-48.8 win for Joe Biden.

One Day, 3,000 Deaths

Editor’s Note: The Atlantic is making vital coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find the collection here. Today states reported 3,054 deaths from COVID-19—the highest single-day total yet, according to the COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic.The seven-day average of daily deaths was also at a record high, of 2,276 deaths. Since mid-October, the U.S.

As COVID-19 cases rise in New York, so does food insecurity

Depending on who you ask, this holiday season will represent something markedly different. For some, it’s a breaking point after a difficult year, where people are loosening their own social distancing protocols out of a desire to visit with family. For others, it will be one of the first holiday seasons they’ve chosen to spend alone as COVID-19 cases continue to spike.

The Atlantic Daily: America’s Only Real Quarantine

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.KENT NISHIMURA / LOS ANGELES TIMES / GETTYConditions are continuing to deteriorate in America’s hospitals and long-term-care facilities. Still the holidays loom.

The Vaccine Is Not Coming Soon Enough for Nursing Homes

A new COVID-19 spike in America’s long-term-care facilities emerged in the West and Northeast last week, with both regions reporting their highest numbers of new cases in the past six months. The Midwest and South saw a small downturn in new cases, which is promising, yet the week still saw the nation’s highest number of newly reported cases—51,574—in long-term-care facilities since we started collecting these data in May.

The People Who Can See Inside David Fincher’s Head

Early in Netflix’s Mank, the screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz (played by Gary Oldman) ambles onto an outdoor movie set, where he bumps into an array of glamorous characters. In a scene full of repartee with real-life figures such as the actor Marion Davies, the film honcho Louis B. Mayer, and the mogul William Randolph Hearst, the visual details of the environment might seem unimportant. But to Mank’s director, David Fincher, they mattered.

2020 in Photos: A Look at the Middle Months

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to revisit some of the most memorable events and images of 2020. Events covered in this essay (the second of a three-part photo summary of the year) include the widespread protests against the killing of George Floyd, the realities of the growing coronavirus pandemic, historic flooding across China, locust swarms in Africa, a terrifying explosion in Beirut, and much more.

Trump Set to Execute Brandon Bernard Even as Jurors & Ex-Prosecutor Call for Clemency

President Trump has sent eight people to their deaths so far this year, breaking a 17-year hiatus in federal executions, and plans to execute five more in the final weeks of his administration. On December 10, International Human Rights Day, the federal government is scheduled to kill Brandon Bernard, a Black man who was 18 years old when he was convicted as an accomplice to the murder of a young white couple in Texas.