Today's Liberal News

“Black Women’s Lives Matter”: Breonna Taylor’s Family Demands a Special Prosecutor to Reopen Case

Breonna Taylor’s family is calling on Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear to appoint a new special prosecutor to reopen the case after they say newly released grand jury tapes confirm the state Attorney General Daniel Cameron “did not serve as an unbiased prosecutor in this case and intentionally did not present charges to the grand jury that would have pursued justice for Ms. Taylor.

Trump toadies craft ‘report’ accusing top Voice of America reporter of not liking Dear Leader enough

Donald Trump’s remaking of the federal government into a fascist personality cult continues apace. Surprising exactly no one, NPR reports that two of Trump’s new political hires have compiled a confidential “report” on Voice of America’s (VoA) White House Bureau Chief Steve Herman, accusing him of being unfair to Donald Dear Leader in his reporting. They presented their report to VoA acting director Elez Biberaj “for action.

Arkansas Republican official just died of COVID-19. Will the GOP change its ways?

Craighead County Republican committee chairman Steven Farmer has died of COVID-19, according to a post on Facebook from his daughter, Audrey Haynie. It is unclear when or where Farmer contracted the disease, but Haynie had been providing updates on her father’s progress on Facebook. She said he had been admitted to the ICU on September 18.

Survey finds nearly 95% of DACA recipients plan to encourage friends and family to vote

The uncertainty facing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients didn’t come to an end following the Supreme Court’s decision this past June ruling that the Trump administration unlawfully ended the program. Not only have officials continued to defy this ruling for over 100 days now, but unlawfully appointed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec.

Donald Trump’s Gold-Plated Health Care

Shortly after returning to the White House last night, Donald Trump tweeted out a triumphant video in which he urges Americans not to let the coronavirus “dominate your life,” because “we have the best medicines in the world.”That was true of Trump’s stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, during which doctors threw the kitchen sink of COVID-19 medicines at him while he relaxed, knowing his bills would be covered.

The Atlantic Daily: The Spokesman in the White Suit

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERSTo hear the White House tell it, Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis is a case closed. He returned to the grounds yesterday with typical Trumpian fanfare, posing for the cameras from a balcony.

The Complicit Physician

For the past several days, President Donald Trump has had COVID-19. It’s unclear for how many days, because the president’s physician, Sean Conley, refuses to share that information. When asked again yesterday, Conley told reporters, “I don’t want to move backwards.” In fact, Conley has shared very little about the course of the president’s illness.

Deadly Flooding in Southeastern France

Over the weekend, a storm brought heavy rain and flooding to a mountainous region on the border between France and Italy. In France’s Alpes-Maritimes department, the floodwater destroyed buildings, bridges, and roads, isolating several villages. Emergency responders have been working since, searching for the missing, clearing roadways, and delivering supplies by air. So far, at least 12 deaths have been reported, and 20 people remain missing.

Trump Takes Off the Mask

What is more shocking: the words or the images?The words are astonishing, to be sure.“I learned so much about coronavirus. One thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it. We have the best medical equipment.

Meet the College Senior Who Built a COVID Tracker After CDC Blocked from Tracing Trump’s Contacts

As the number of people in President Trump’s orbit who test positive for COVID-19 continues to grow, we meet a student journalist who is doing what the White House doesn’t want the CDC to do: tracing the contacts of people who may have infected or been infected by President Trump. Benjy Renton, a Middlebury College senior, helped develop a real-time tracking tool to monitor the growing number of people in President Trump’s circle who were exposed or infected with COVID-19.

Activist Who Lost Father to COVID Says Trump’s White House Photo Op Was Like “Sci-Fi Horror Film”

As the highest-profile coronavirus patient in the world returns to the White House while still infectious and a danger to others, we speak with activist Kristin Urquiza, whose father died from COVID-19 earlier this year. She says President Trump’s minimizing of the disease is a slap in the face to families who have lost loved ones. “I was appalled,” says Urquiza.

“Don’t Be Afraid of COVID”: Trump Removes Mask & Fuels Misinformation Effort After Leaving Hospital

Shocking medical experts, President Trump has returned to the White House while still infectious with the coronavirus and after more than a dozen people in Trump’s orbit have already tested positive for COVID-19. Emergency room physician Dr. Dara Kass says she was “horrified” by President Trump’s dismissive attitude toward a pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 people in the United States. “I had this virus,” says Dr. Kass.